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QUIDDITCH. DAVINA HERSELF had never been remotely interested in the sport, choosing to sit by Hermione and keep her company while the boys played. She herself was a valid player, not the best but still a lot better than most people. She didn't know why she never took the opportunity to play before, something about playing had always bothered her so she never took the jump at the opportunity.

"Davina my love" sang James, swooping into the seat next to her. Davina quirked an eyebrow at him before turning back to the book she was reading and flipping the page. She often found The Tales of Beedle the Bard a comfort book, after all, it was all she had when she was on the run with Harry.

"What do you want James?" Davina drawled. The boy in question turned to her with an upfront look on his face.

"Me!? Who said I wanted anything?"


"Can you play?"

Davina put down the book with a sigh and turned her attention to the grinning boy.

"I can play a lot of things James. Piano, exploding snap," Davina murmured.

James huffed. "No, I meant quidditch. Do you play?"

Davina hummed in approval before gesturing for him to continue.

"Our chaser's out for this year. We need a new one." Immediately Davina shook her head. She wasn't going to play Quidditch! That wasn't her thing and she couldn't say she enjoyed it, never having actually tried it.

"Sorry, not interested."

Davina attempted to walk away but was stopped by Blair, who swung an arm around her shoulders pulling her back towards James.

"Actually," Blair grinned. "I've seen Davina play and she's a lot better than she looks"

Davina tried to interrupt but was cut off by James.


"Yeah! I saw her score at least 3 goals in under 5 minutes."


"Then she has to play!" James demanded.


"Oh I wholeheartedly agree"


"Are you going to hold a trial?" Blair questioned. James thought for a second as if contemplating whether or not it was necessary.

"Now hold on a minute-" Davina tried.

"Actually, that would be pretty good."

"Great! She'll be there in around... half an hour?"


"Yeah that works"



The two separated. Davina was left standing in the middle of the common room utterly confused and a little flustered.

"So this is how Ron must've felt" she murmured before leaving the common room in search of somewhere to hide. If they couldn't find her in half an hour, she wouldn't have to perform anything.

Half an hour went by pretty fast and Davina was yet to be found. She waited another ten minutes before she claimed it to be safe and time to leave. What she hadn't realised was that Remus was in fact a werewolf and hiding from his was pretty much impossible.

"But Lupin" Davina whined, trying to tug her hand out of his hold. The boy only winked at her, pulling her towards the open field.

"Ahh" James hummed, noticing a reluctant Davina. "Look who's here"

Davina just grumbled in response, pouting slightly.

"Don't pout dear," Sirius sighed. "It's unbecoming"

Davina instantly stopped pouting, choosing to show her displeasure through her stance. With arms crossed she thought back to the future. Sirius was always laxed but never failed to ensure that his daughter met the standards that were set by him. Whether it be the pouting or the whining, Sirius never failed to ensure his daughter was well taught and behaved.

"Yes father," she sang. Although it was true, no one was going to think too much into it, probably thinking it was a joke.

"Now listen up," James demanded, capturing the girls attention. "I wanna see you strive to be the best chaser you can ever be, do the best you can and remember you're not doing this for yourself. You're doing this for your house, your country and most importantly. Me."

There was a silence before a light laugh sounded. Everyone turned to look at lily who was giggling to herself, smiling largely.

"What the hell was that?" she laughed. James turned red before rubbing the back of his neck, muttering something about inspirational speeches. He then turned to Davina before gesturing to the broom that lay in front of her.

"Do I really have to?"


Begrudgingly, the girl seized the broomstick and threw her body over the stick. She took a deep breath before allowing herself to slowly rise into the air. James had told her to do some practice warm ups before hand so a couple of laps would do just fine.

Davina loved the feeling of wind in her. It was like a mother carding her fingers through your hair, a comfort she lacked in her life as Davina Black. The way the air rushed passed you and the sweet taste of freedom danced along the tip of your tongue filling your body with warmth. She had forgotten why she'd ever stopped.

"Alright let's get started!" James cheered thrusting a quaffle at her and getting into position as a beater. Davina flew straight away, watching as surprise flickered on his face. James was forced to hurry up after giving the girl a head start and play his absolute A game.

The trial went on for at least half an hour before James decided that it was enough.

"That was great Evergreen!" James cheered. "I'll let you know if you got in later on"

"Oh come of it James!" Sirius yelled, his voice echoing of the field. "We all know she get the position!"

"Way to build the suspense" James muttered, looking at Sirius disdainfully. The boy could only laugh in response, flashing a cheeky grin.

"So... I got it?" Davina stated.

"Well duh" Maisie said rolling her eyes. "You were amazing!"

Davina blushed slightly before contemplating. Quidditch wasn't the worst thing and maybe she'd find great enjoyment playing it. Harry had always had a great time playing the sport and although he tried greatly to get Davina involved it didn't really work.

"Alright," Davina sighed. The boys cheered happily and Sirius wrapped the girl in a hug, throwing her over his shoulder. Davina squealed in surprise laughing when the boy swung around in circles.

Remus observed the pair. There was always a connection between the two and he knew that it was nothing more than platonic in a sense. Davina glanced at him with a bright smile and he could feel the air leave him. Her smile isolated him, it made him feel as though he was the only boy in the world. In her world.

Remus felt a blush coming on and quickly looked away, suddenly finding his shoes incredibly interesting.

"Ooooo," Lily sang, wiggling her shoulders.

"Shut up."

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