Chapter 13: With great power comes great responsibilities

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After the get together, we three haven't talked about it even once.... Which is such a relief. I can't handle those kinda conversations often.

It was Mr. Martz class next. After the group project, I'm not very fond of him.

He came with a serious look on his face.

"Is Hazel Murphy present today?" He asked.

What mayhem happened now?

I raised my hand.

"You've to be a part of the M.U.N team." He announced.

"I didn't volunteer." I replied, panicking.

"We've less volunteers this year. You're academically good, except for geography. You just have to give a speech." He said.

First of all, there was no need to mention except-geography. Second of all, it's not just-a-speech. Third of all, I hate this man.

I can't give a speech infront of so many people. I can barely put my point forward infront of my friends.


Later that afternoon all the participants met and were allotted their countries.

I was given Argentina.

The topic was is 'globalisation's impact on developing countries'.

I'm scared. I just hope I don't start crying on the podium.


I'm hating my life these days.

First of all, I never understood anything related to co-operations, socialism, capitalism, blah-blah-blah. Second of all, I've nearly no knowledge about Argentina.

I spent entire weeks doing researches.

I don't wanna do this. I'm working so hard just to get a panic attack on the main day.

I've already discarded ten speeches I wrote. I'm not getting anything.

As the day is getting nearer. My shivers are increasing.

After spending two weeks and multiple nights, I finally wrote the speech. Not sure if it's still upto the mark but I'm way too tired to discard it now.

It wasn't very difficult to learn the speech. I'm good with learning things. It took me half an hour and I memorized the entire speech.

Now the most difficult part. How to give the speech without fainting? I earlier thought to approach Mr. Martz for help but I don't think so he will actually be of any help.

So I approached YouTube instead. I heard a few speeches, mimicked the speakers, practiced infront of the mirror, meditated (but meditating for four days isn't actually very helpful...should've started earlier).

I still don't feel prepared. The event is tomorrow.


A short one,
Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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