She stood up carrying the pile of papers which she had previously signed in her hands, and walked over to the desk across the room where the papers were supposed to be and placed them there. "As much as I appreciate you being super sweet and caring, I don't think you're allowed in the student council room unless you want to submit a report or something." 

Shoto was clearly not very fond of her changing the topic but complied nonetheless. "It's not like there's gonna be anyone to see us, classes are over anyway." He rose to his feet as well while she made her way back to him and leaned his head close to her face with a wry smirk. "Could you be trying to get rid of me because you're too shy to see my handsome fac-"

"Aha, don't flatter yourself too much.", the raven haired girl shot back with sarcasm as she placed a finger on his nose to push him back slowly, trying her best to suppress the blush that would threaten to paint her cheeks in a strawberry red hue as she sat down once again with him following along.

Even if he was obviously joking, she hated what he said. She hated what he said because as embarrassing as it was for her to admit, he was absolutely right in every way possible. She couldn't be around him any longer since her heart was thumping too fast inside her ribcage and her mind was spiraling out of control with him and his stupid handsome face to blame. Like, how could someone be this good-looking without even trying? It was an enigma to the girl.

However that didn't seem to be enough attractiveness for one day apparently, as when he let out a heavenly chuckle of amusement, Momo couldn't help herself from gazing at him with slightly widened eyes like he was the best thing the world had to offer.

Warm yellow sunlight coming from a large window reflected on his features as he laughed. She took in every single part of him- his heterochromatic eyes, his perfect jawline that could cut glass, his scars and bandages- everything. All of it. He was perfect. Too perfect. But she couldn't have him. Or could she?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He pointed out as he raised a brow with a sly smile, but Momo couldn't really hear his teasing as the only sound she could make out at the moment was the sound of her heartbeat and the rational part of her brain screaming at her to stop what she was about to do right now.

She inched closer to him with her chair, noticing his chest rising and falling with tension from the corner of her eye, and looked up at him with her lips parted. "Kiss me."

"What-" The raven haired girl didn't let Shoto finish his sentence or fully register her words because her body immediately acted without thinking, cupping his face in her hands, she closed the distance between their lips.

If kissing Shoto Todoroki didn't feel like the most amazing thing ever, she didn't know what else was, really. There was something so magical about the way he tasted like peppermint with her lips against his. Tides and waves of euphoria all came washing over her and she almost forgot everything else for that slight moment. Her parents, her shitty childhood, her problems and worries, everything.

But only for that slight moment.

Momo didn't give him much of a chance to kiss back as she abruptly broke away from his lips and rose to her feet, the echo of her chair squeaking against the floor as she stood up drowning out the sound of her heart hammering loudly inside her chest.

No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. This could not be happening. This was wrong. This was all wrong. How could she just let her body act without any proper consideration?

Momo Yaoyorozu was supposed to have the manners of a saint, she was trained to be like that since the young age of five. And today she somehow found herself giving into the urge to kiss someone who didn't like her back. There was no way he could possibly like her back. Why would he like someone as pathetic as her back? What was she even thinking in the first place?

Knowing all too well that she would regret her decision later on, she backed away slowly while seeing his eyes widened with hers as well from utter shock, made her way to the door, and fled.

She ran hastily through the hallway and turned a corner, letting her legs take her wherever they wanted her to go simply out of instinct. She didn't know where she was going, she simply knew that she had to get away from Shoto as far as possible.

When the raven haired girl was almost out of breath, she stopped running for a second to take in fresh air. While doing so the fingers of her hand subconsciously found themselves slightly touching her bottom lip, missing the warmth of her dual haired friend.

If she really wanted him to know about her feelings, she should've just found some way to properly confess. Surely Shoto would understand and their friendship would've still been intact. Actually, scratch that, she should've just avoided him from the moment he walked in the student council room. Then maybe she wouldn't have to be around him while being a heartbroken mess knowing that he could never like her back.

God, what a mistake she had made.

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ (𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣!)

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