Chapter 26

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This is the last chapter, you guys. The LAST one.

This has been so much fun. All of you have been amazing and I've loved your comments (you guys are REALLY funny). Thanks for taking the ride.

I hope you enjoy!


Davey stood outside of the house nervously, his teeth practically chewing through his lip. Jack had been in there for a while, and he was starting to get nervous.

It didn't help that he was standing in front of three thousand people, waiting and hoping for good results that he had way of controlling. Jack was wearing patience thin, and he hoped the other boy would have something for them soon.

"You okay?" Davey looked over to find Sarah at his side, a worry sounding to her tone. He shrugged and stared at the house.

"What if something went wrong?" He glanced at her, his brows furrowed. "I can't help him by being out here."

"Why didn't you go with him?"

"He asked me not to", Davey sighed, crossing his arms. "This is something that we both understood he had to do alone."

Sarah hummed and patted her brother's back. She understood his worry for Jack, and she understood there wasn't much she could do to help him. Maybe this was something he had to do alone as well.

"What's takin' so long?" Davey looked behind him to find who asked the question, seeing a restless Mike. "We've been standin' here for hours."

"We's only been here for ten minutes", Ike corrected, crossing his arms. There was a smart to his tone. "But why have we been out here for so long?"

"Yeah, they can't be talkin' about nothin' that important", Spot added, confusion written all over his face. "What's up with that?"

One by one, the boys started complaining and complaining, trying to find some solace. They were standing in the cold, helpless, weather waiting for Jack Kelly. Davey bit his lip.

What could he possibly do? He was starting to ask their question too, all of the worry filling up his head. What does one do when left in charge but can't take it?

"Hey", he shouted, grabbing the attention of everyone. "We need to to just...remain patient."

"Yeah, well, I's tired of bein' patient", Jet says annoyedly, his arms crossed with defiance.

"Even I can agree with that", Simmer mentions, tiredness shining from his eyes. Davey sighed.

"We got our boys, so why don't we just go?"

"I mean, we got all that we need."

"Yeah! There ain't no real reason for us to be here."

"Because we're a brotherhood", Davey shouted, baffled at the ideas heard flying around him. Everyone stopped what they were doing yo listen to him. "We're supposed to be there for each other, and that includes Jack. For months, our friends were missing and I know we all wanted to lose hope, but did we?"

The crowd murmured, all saying the same answer. "No, we stood by each other's side and came up with a plan.

"And I know I wasn't there for you as much. Hell, most of you don't even know me", Davey chuckled, his hands shaking with nerves but his mind flowing. "And Jack left, which was a very shitty thing to do, but we're here now. We're here, and no matter what, we're going to be here for each other. Even if that means waiting here for hours."

The crowd silent, never having heard Davey talk that much, and about something they care about. Of course, a few of the boys and girls knew that he could speak, and he was rather knowledgeable on this entire subject, but he usually sat next to Jack and looked pretty.

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