Chapter 22

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Hellooooo, everyone!

This is where things start to look up and get better, I promise. I hope you enjoy!


Davey waited for Jack to climb through the window as he stood on the balcony of his apartment, the air nipping his skin. It was cooler outside, cooler than when they first met, the nights they stayed up together, and the day Jack left.

Davey looked out on his neighborhood, the sun a bit dim, covered by clouds and wind. He felt his hair move with it, the air pushing against his face as if trying to knock him down, yet he had no where to go.

Jack stared at him for a while, relishing in the beauty of this boy. The he was so effortlessly pretty would confuse the world for thousands of years, it'll confuse Jack for as long as he'll live. But he didn't care because Davey was so much more than just a pretty face, and Jack would kick himself in the face forever for leaving him.

"Hey", he greeted, stepping through the window. He grunted as he got through the window, hoping he wouldn't tear his shirt on the window. He sighed as he stood on the metal balcony. "Pretty."

"It's 1960", Davey mentioned quietly, keeping his eyes away from Jack's. The taller joined him on the railing. "It's January."

Jack licked his lips, nodding. "Yeah. It is."

"We had our fist kiss in an alley", Davey chuckled, staring at the nonexistent sun. "And we first said "I love you" because you got jealous of Carly."

Jack's lips raised in a small smile as he remembered. "Yeah."

"We even had our first dance on this balcony." Davey closed his eyes, trying to hear the nonexistent music that played as he kept his head down to keep from stepping on Jack's toes.

Jack nodded. "Yeah."

"All of that in 1959", Davey sighed, shaking his head. "For a few months."

Jack stayed quiet, ready for Davey to yell, scream, shout, and for him to not care. To allow the younger boy to even punch him because he hurt him so badly.

"I wanted to hate you", Davey confessed, still looking out on his neighborhood.

"You should", Jack sighed. "I mean, I wouldn't blame you."

"I used to think that I was delusional and that it didn't hurt as badly as it seemed", Davey added, crossing his arms. "That I was just a fling. A fling who gave all he had."

Jack nodded, listening to his every word. The apology he wanted to say seemed to be getting harder to say, as if it was lodged in his throat. He actions were choking him.

"You hurt me, Jackie." Davey turned to look at his first love, tears welling up in his eyes. He sniffled once, knowing Jack was trying hard to resist himself from a hug. "I want to know why."

There was no direct answer to that. Medda told him it was because of his father, and he told the boys it was because he was scared, but Davey deserved more than that. He deserved everything. "I'm sorry."

Jack licked his lips, looking away from Davey. "I am so sorry I hurt you. Nothin' can ever excuse hurtin' someone you love, but there is a reason."

Davey stood waiting, listening to words that came out of Jack's mouth. The taller took a deep breath. "I was born on October 10, 1942 to Liza and Jeffrey Kelly. They moved here from the south and let me grow up here."

He took another deep breath, glancing at the shorter boy. "In 1947, my mother passed away from the flu. It was just me and my dad then. He worked around and kept me in school. I knew him for seven years."

Davey nodded, listening. "What happened?"

"There was a fire set to some store in '49", Jack sighed, shaking his head. "Katherine Pulitzer was in the store."

Davey's eyes widened. "Kath's mom."

"Yeah", Jack confirmed, looking at Davey sadly. "Joseph Pulitzer's wife. Those guys that set the fire blamed it on my dad, and I guess a bunch of important people was in it, so he's facin' life."

Davey was shocked. He realized Jack's past may have been a little complicated—he was living in a theater—but he didn't realize how upsetting it was. There were more layers to this boy that what's on the outside. "Is that why you-"

"I'm gettin' there, sweetheart, give me a sec", Jack chuckled sadly, a small smile on his face when he saw Davey blush. "That's why Pulitzer hates me. But there's more."

Davey nodded, silently asking him to continue. "One day, a bit after my arrest, I went to his house. I wanted to know if he could help."

Davey scoffed, a small smile on his lips. "Rookie mistake."

Jack chuckled, shaking his head. "It was pretty stupid, I'll admit. Not my best work."

Davey glanced at him, looking away just as quickly. Jack saw that as progress. "Anyway, we talked, and he said some weird stuff that I didn't even think about. That's when our friends started goin' missin'. I didn't even think..."

He licked his lips, deciding Davey was looking for a pity party. "I didn't tell you because right after I saw you, Al went lookin' for El and got himself locked up. A few days after that, on a Sunday, Specs got kidnapped. Me and Ro went to his place to talk to his parents."

"That's where you went that day", Davey mumbled, remembering the day Jack left without a word. "What happened?"

"I sort of beat up Oscar Delancey", Jack chuckled, "again. I guess it was apart of some plan to make me sweat but I could get out of that. Weasel was tryin' to nail me when Pulitzer came in. I didn't expect him there, and he just started threatenin' people. I mean, he said he'd take our friends, startin' with-"

Jack took a shaky breath, the very thought of it, making his blood boil. "You. He said he'd take you."

Davey nodded, accepting everything he said. "That's why you broke up with me. You left because you wanted to protect me."

"I figured you did pretty well without me before, and you'd probably succeed without me again", Jack stated quietly, shrugging. He looked at Davey. "It was stupid and I wasn't thinkin'. He told me to leave it alone and drop out in order to save our friends. I mean, it looked like he kept his side of the bargain."

Davey took a deep breath, laughing quietly. "You are an idiot, Jack Kelly."

Jack stared at him, at the happy smile on his face but the sad look in his eyes. "Look, I'm not askin' you to forgive me-"

"A real idiot", Davey continued, shaking his head. That goofy smile was still on his face as he wrapped Jack in a hug, he face in his neck. "But I'm the dumbass in love with you."

Jack nearly sobbed at those words, the very words he wished and hoped and dreamed and prayed he would hear again. He pulled Davey against him, hugging him closely. "You still love me?"

"Of course I do", Davey answered, pulling away. He kissed Jack's cheek. "I also want to punch you square in the nose, but I still love you."

Jack laughed, throwing his head back in pure joy. "I guess I deserve that."

"You do", Davey agreed, his arms still wrapped around Jack's neck. Something was still stuck on his mind, however, despite the moment he was having. "But what about the boys?"

Jack nodded, caressing the back of Davey's head. "That's why Sarah sent me here, actually. I was supposed to get you."

Davey laughed, leaning into the touch. "Really? So you're back in?"

Jack smiled and kissed Davey's lips softly, sending every emotion he had into it. "Yeah. I'm back in."

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