Chapter 15

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Jack, Davey, Race, and Blink walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, the pirate-like boy complaining the entire way. The other three had had a little over enough of it, and decided to ignore him.

"Why do we have to do this now?" Blink dragged his feet behind him, his brows furrowed in exhaustion and want. "This could've waited 'til Friday."

"No, it couldn't", Jack sighed, finally answering his third. "We got business to attend to, important business. It may even help our friends."

"It might help if you actually told us what business you's talkin' about", Race tried on the false hope he'd been pushing since the idea was brought up. Jack shook his head.

"I ain't tellin' you, Racer."

With a groan, Race backed down. Davey glanced at him before grabbing his boyfriend's hand.

He could see Jack had been a little tense, despite his good mood earlier. As a matter of fact, Jack was the happiest besides him when compared to the boys. Now, he's kind of a bummer. "Did something happen?"

Davey took the glance sent his way as an opportunity to check Jack's expression. There was a small amount of tiredness and anxiety in them, but Jack placed Davey's hands to his lips and smiled. "Nothin' happened, baby. I'm all good."

Davey hummed, not being to get a word in before they met Hotshot and York at the end of the bridge. Words were passed between them, small acknowledgments that would later be forgotten. The night was sped up, allowing the four of them to enter the Brooklyn Newsies' headquarters quicker than usual.

"Kelly", Spot greeted, nodding from his side of the table. Race ran over to him with a smile, hugging him. Jack grinned. "You's the last one here."

"Yeah, sorry we's late", he apologized, pulling Davey to a seat near Blink. "Traffic."

"Whatever", Roller shrugs, making Hack roll his eyes. "Is there a reason why we're here?"

"Yeah, Kelly", Carly smirked, looking more at Davey than anything. "Somethin' happen?"

What's about to happen is my fist in your eye socket, he thought, but didn't act. Davey squeezing his hand was way more important. "Shut up, Carly."

"Why is we here, Jack", Smalls demanded to know, getting her third in check. Jack cleared his throat, standing up from his seat and grabbing everyone's attention.

"I wanna hold a rally", he says, watching everyone's expressions. "To grab everyone's attention and bring us together."

The room went quiet, staring at the leader of Manhattan blankly.

"Are you dumb or just fuckin' stupid?"

Jack turned to Spot with his brows furrowed in insult. "What the hell?"

"Think about it, man", Roller sighed, taking a calmer approach. "That rally could grab the attention of the police, which ain't exactly what we want."

"Yeah, and what about the other cities and neighborhoods?" Smalls crossed her arms, her brows furrowed. "You've only got the help of the leader of Brooklyn, Flushing, and the Bronx. As far as we know, Staten ain't been affected, and you know West Side ain't gonna do shit to help us."

He wasn't exactly expecting that question, and he hadn't really thought about it. But he did think of the solution. "I asked Katherine and your sister to help us", he informed, looking at Davey, in which the news shocked him.

He didn't think Sarah and Katherine wanted to be caught generally near Jack, yet have a conversation with him. As far as he knew, the two girls were against him. "Oh."

"They agreed", Jack says, looking at his audience. "Katherine will be printin' out a paper—a newsletter, or somethin'—that will go to every kid in our cities.

"I'll, uh, send someone—probably Race—to give you a set of 'em and you can pass it out to whoever you want that will support us", Jack sighs, crossing his arms. He could still see the uncertainty in their eyes. "Don't worry about takin' blame. It's all on me."

Davey's eyes widened, even more so at the other leaders' calmer expression at the sound of not taking the fault as a team. It seemed absurd to him to simply let someone take the entire blame, meaning none of them were technically involved. That could put Jack's life in serious danger, and they were okay with that.

"Imma hold you to that", Spot nods, a small smile on his face. "I'm in."

"Me, too", Roller shrugged, a smile on her face as she fist bumped her younger cousin.

"You got me, too", Smalls sighed, a grin taking over her lips. "I may even be able to convince Simmer to get behind it."

Jack clasped his hands together, a proud smile on his face. Davey looked up at him, the feeling in his stomach unsettled. "Great. Let's work out details."

Davey sat back in his seat, crossing his arms in worry and disbelief.


Jack closed the door to his room after Davey walked in. "What's wrong?"

"I don't like that they're willing to throw you under the bus, Jackie", Davey sighs, crossing his arms. He stands with his feet apart, trying to look as serious as possible. "It's not right."

"It'll be fine", Jack shrugs it off, taking out his art journal and a pencil as he flips into his bed. "I came up with the idea, I'll be the one to go down for it."

"No, I came up with it", Davey says, still standing. Jack nods.

"Only we know that."

Davey groans, facing away from his boyfriend out of worry and a hint of anger. "Why are you always so willing to put yourself in danger for other people?"

Jack sat up, his brows furrowed as he realized Davey was actually upset with him. That never happened before. He was avoiding his face and him entirely, drawing away in order to keep from lashing out or crying. Had it become too much for him? Was he having second thoughts about being in a relationship with him?

Did Jack do something really bad?

"Because I love you." Jack got up from his bed, carefully walking over to his boyfriend. "I do."

Davey sniffled, turning around to look at Jack. That was the first time he'd ever actually said it, those three words not covered by a jumble of others. Just a simple eight letters.

"I don't think...I don't think you get that", Jack confessed, grabbing Davey's hands and holding them in his. "I don't think you get that I would die for you."

Davey sniffled, looking up to keep tears from falling from his eyes. Jack kissed his cheek.

"I would kill for you."

He kissed the shorter's forehead, wrapping his arms around Davey's shoulders to pull him closer.

"I'd do just about anything to see you smile in Heaven, even if that means I have to rot in Hell."

Davey chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around Jack's waist. Jack smiled at the joyful sound, kissing the top of his head.

"What's wrong?" He ran his hand through Davey's brown curls, careful not to get caught in the tangled that come from running an anxious hand through the hair.

"I'm scared for you", Davey confessed with a soft sigh, his face still buried in Jack's chest. "And you stress me out."

Jack chuckled as he placed his chin on Davey's head, pulling him closer if possible. "I tend to do that, huh?"

"Yes, you do", Davey agrees, making Jack chuckle again. "But I love you."

Jack squeezes Davey softly, happy to have him in his arms. He didn't think he could ever feel like this, never thought a boy would be this into him. Yet here he was, with a total dreamboat in his arms. How could a guy get so lucky?

He wouldn't know, because he happens to be that lucky guy.

"I love you, too."

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