Chapter 11

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I'm going to post two chapters today! One now and the other at the original time. Thanks for reading and enjoy!


Jack Kelly is not one to heed good advice.

He'll listen, maybe take notes if he's feeling fancy, but he's not actually going to take what is said into consideration. He's never had to do that before, why start now?

He knocked on the large wooden door, clearing his throat as he glanced at numbers. 1213. He thought how one of those numbers meant something.

Hearing footsteps make their way to the door, standing up straighter. He saw Joseph Pulitzer on the other side, standing there gruffly and decked out in a suit and tie.

"What do you need?"

Jack recoiled at his rude tone, not really surprised. "I need to talk to you."

Pulitzer hummed, looking Jack up and down. "I remember you."

The same horrible glint was in his eyes, similar to when Jack first came over. There was a certain hate there but it wasn't for him, and it almost didn't seem real.

"I try to be as memorable as I can", Jack joked, crossing his arms. The older man glared at him, making Jack feel a little small.

"I don't have the time-"

"But you have some shoved away to smoke a cigar." Jack glanced at the tin pack in his pocket, making Joseph hide it his hand. "You sure you ain't got no time to spare?"

Pulitzer put death into his eyes, making Jack swallow. He turned around and left the door open, silently asking Jack to follow him.

Jack lets out a breath, walking inside cautiously.

What a dreamboat.

The inside was just as nice as he remembered. The floors weren't exactly marble, but Jack did feel like he was in a ballroom. Although, it wasn't as nice as the one he was in with Davey.

He followed Mr. Pulitzer until the older man stopped, staring down a small woman. Jack could feel the goosebumps on her tan skin. "Maria. I have a guest."

She nodded, keeping her eyes down. Jack frowned when he noticed she was young, no older than he was. He watched her walk quickly past him, sparing no glance.

"Ignore her", Pulitzer insisted, sighing as he pulled his suit down and began walking to his office. "She's new. Hasn't been trained properly."

Jack didn't like the way that sounded. "Right."

"What is it you wanted to talk about, boy? And make it quick." Pulitzer sat down in his chair stiffly, inviting Jack to stand in front of rather than sit. "I've business to attend to."

"Mr. Pulitzer", Jacks started, pulling the seat out and sitting in it, missing the older man's glare. At least Jack was kind enough to not gag when he said his name. "We've got a problem."

"The world has many problems, but I find I have none at the moment." He sat intimidatingly, Jack sitting up straighter. "What do you mean?"

"This cop", Jack cleared his throat, looking Pulitzer in the eye. "I was told you know him."

"And who told you that? What is your interest in my affairs?"

"He arrested me."

Pulitzer squinted, looking Jack up and down. "I suppose there's no shock that you're a criminal."

Jack chuckled, deciding to hold his tongue. "I didn't do nothin' wrong."

"Surely, you did", Pulitzer insisted, standing up from his seat. "Why else would you have been arrested?"

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