Maybe there are more of us elsewhere

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There we were as we sat around a campfire hearing a storyteller tell us a story about ourselves. Whether it was realistic or not. And for the most part if not all of it it was. But it didn't change anything. The fire that is. If I wasn't in the arms of my prince I wanted nothing to do with fire. But yes it was true we laughed at things like gravity. After all my best friend is the wind. And its mostly laughing because of her but you get the point. And when the storyteller finished he asked for money.

After he walked away Katara asked us if what he said was true about us and Aang and I laughed and said yes its true we do laugh at gravity. As we watch the the storyteller kneel in front of an old man a coin falls out of his hat and Momo picks it up and gives it to him. The storyteller was very thankful having not noticed that he had the hole in the first place. Hey thanks for the story Aang and I said in sync and the man felt grateful even if he still wanted money. It's so nice to hear stories of the airbenders. Aang started. It must've been at least a 100 years ago that your grandpa met them. I finished feeling in awe like a lovestruck teenager.

Like we were thinking back on old times. But then we were surprised and shocked at what we heard next. He and his grandpa laughed at us and said that he saw them just last week. Aang and I looked to each other and back at him in disbelief. We gathered our friends and got on Appa and we went to the northern air temple a place we knew well looking back. As we told our friends that it used to be the place where the sky buffalo polo championship used to take place and we were so excited to meet more of us.

All of us except Sokka were optimistic. Of course I'd been a little skeptical like Sokka but I had hope very little of it as I crossed my fingers and hoped it was true but I knew if the firebenders had really gotten to any of us none of us were probably around anymore except Aang and I. But I'd been a real ghost if that had happened. But I would probably still be me but with a different element. Because there still would've been two of us if there hadn't been this wouldn't be about me and it wouldn't be my dream. IDK what it would be if it weren't or I wasn't a part of it. Anyways when we got there we were very disappointed. Katara was excited when she saw the glider like planes with people flying around on them but Aang and I were frustrated arms crossed at seeing that were imposters and intruders in such a sacred place that we held so dear to us.

No they're not! We said in sync as I felt Gale blow through my hair trying to calm me down. She knew I was upset. What do you mean their not real airbenders they're flying? Katara asked us. Gliding maybe. I started rolling my eyes. But not flying they have no spirit. Aang finishes as a kid on a flying chair zooms by that actually reminds me of Aang with his spirit and optimism. Well he sure seems to have a lot of spirit. Katara points out agreeing with what I was thinking. As he flies away he smiles at Aang and I as give him this more devilish look as we take off. Aang on his glider and me taking Gale as I "frolic" on the wind once again. As we leave Appa in auto pilot mode with our friends dodging other gliders and keeping our friends from getting hurt.

We should probably find solid ground before it finds us. Sokka told his sister. They made a perfect landing on the courtyard while Aang and I flew around with big smiles on our faces while down below the others were cheering for their friend Teo who was in the gliding plane. Hey there he turned to us. You guys are pretty good. How do you make the wind do what you want? It's in my blood plus I was made funny the G-Ds supposedly have big plans for me or whatever. I roll my eyes. Besides we can do more than just fancy gliding. Aang cut me off. While he was still on his glider he went under the bridge let go and showed them the air scooter. I did swimming moves as I flew towards the glider and did barrel rolls with it before letting go and riding a ball of air while Aang grabbed for the glider again.

Teo thought that was cool and then he zoomed off and made his plane thing smoke and did a picture of Aang looking annoyed and one of me smiling but my hair was partly in my face and I could tell there was a look that looked like there was blush on my face. I saw the look and know knew what my friends saw when I thought of Zuko. But I feel the same way about flying in the air with Gale I always had this feeling when I felt free. And it seemed obvious to anyone who came in my path but apparently not to me not until now. But I knew when I felt this way again I'd never be any wiser. But it was enough to make this kid make me look like that. For him to draw a picture of something I've never seen of me before. As I ran a hand behind my neck looking away while Aang looked annoyed just like he did in the picture Teo made of him.

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