Fallen Angel (Darkiplier x Reader)

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Late at night I can hear the crying

Dark heard a loud BOOM, so he went to go check it out. In the woods, he found a beautiful girl with (H/C) hair. She had an unnatural glow to her that made her shine. Her head was bowed and she was crying. Dark kneeled besided her and lifted her chin up with his hand, looking into her deep, tear filled (E/C) eyes. "Wh-who are you? Wh-what do y-you w-want from me?" The girl was confused on who this person was and why he was there. She knew that she was an angel. She knew she rebelled against God. She knew that she was supposed to go to hell, so why was she here? Why was she on Earth?

I hear it all, trying to fall asleep

"I'm Dark and I don't want anything from you. Why are you in the middle of the woods, and why are you crying?" She turned her head, wanting to return to Heaven.

When all the love around you is dying

"I landed here. My brothers and sisters didn't want me. They don't love me because I had my own opinions about humans."

"What are you? A demon? Monster? Alter ego?"

How do you stay so strong?

"My name is (Y/N) and I'm a fallen angel."

"What happened?"

How did you hide it all for so long?

"I rebelled. I kept my opinions to myself for so long and I needed to tell my brothers and sisters. They didn't agree so here I am." (Y/N) shed a few tears, knowing she should've listened to them.

How can I take the pain away?

Dark lifted (Y/N) up off the ground, careful of her wounds. She continued to cry as he picked her up.

How can I save?

He carried the angel to his "home" which was really just a broken down shack.

A fallen angel, in the dark

He lighted a few candles and set the fireplace. The light illuminated (Y/N)'s face in an eerily beautiful way.

Never thought you'd fall so far

Dark stared, wondering how no one could love her. She was beautiful, but maybe that was because she's an angel. Are all angels so gloriously gorgeous.

Fallen angel, close your eyes

(Y/N) broke down again, laying her head on the table she sat at. "Everything will be alright. I promise I'll make sure that you're alright."

I won't let you fall tonight

Fallen Angel

-A few months later-

(Y/N) laughs as Dark makes a flower crown. She's still learning everything about being 'human' and all, but she's doing pretty well.

"You're so happy with everything. It's adorable."

"A-adorable? Isn't that usually a term humans use to depict how puppies or kittens look?"

"Well, yes... but sometimes people will use it to describe how someone may find another attractive in some way."

"So, you think I'm adorable like a kitten because you find me attractive when I'm happy?"


"I am grateful for your compliment. I find you quite adorable, too."

"Oh, y-you do?" Dark blushes slightly at her words.

"Am I not supposed to say that to a male?" (Y/N) cocks her head to the side slightly, confused and questioning him.

"No, that's not it. It's just- I wasn't expecting you to say it back. Took me off guard."

"You were on guard?" Dark laughs loudly.

"No. It's hard to explain," Dark says as he puts the crown on (Y/N)'s head. "Beautiful."

"Thank you."

"The sun makes you glow brighter."

"But I don't glow anymore-"

"You do, though. Maybe not visually noticeable, but you will always glow to me, and the sun brings it out more."

"Oh." (Y/N)'s face turns a bright red as she's at a loss for words. She has no idea what to say to him anymore, for he is too polite. She doesn't mind it. She enjoys his formal way of speaking. "Do we kiss now? The humans in the TV do when they share pleasant compliments with each other. I believe the pleasant compliments are called flirting? So they kiss after flirting-"

"It's only by choice. If you want me to, I will." The angel takes no hesitation when she leans in quickly. Dark places his hands on her face, kissing back.

(Y/N) breaks the kiss, "Usually after the kiss, the people appear to be... what's the term... dating... but wait- we cant!" The angel looks down sadly.

"Why is that?"

"Because it will hurt more if you die and we are forever in love."

"We will both live forever. I don't die, and I know you don't. We will live forever, together. I love you, (Y/N), and I hope you feel the same way."

"I do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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