Twin Sister ☮︎

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Requested: rexy4evr

Warnings: bad language

This isn't an Eddie X Reader, the character is called Tally and she is his twin.

Bold- Eddie
Normal- Tally (and anyone else)

I had been away from Eddie, my twin, for a little over a year now. It was very hard saying goodbye even though we knew it wasn't forever. Eddie got held back a couple of years in school but I graduated, I took photography as a career. I had been travelling for my work and now I'm coming back to Hawkins to see Eddie and our uncle Wayne. I hope Eddie has missed me as much as I've missed him.

The only small problem is that he's seriously over protective because he's technically older but only by 7 minutes. I remember in middle school when a guy accidentally pushed me, he apologized right after but did that stop Eddie? No, he ranted and raved to this poor kid about being careful because this could've been worse.

After a long and tiring drive I made it to the trailer. I knocked on the door and Eddie was standing there.

"Holy shit... Tally you're actually here. I missed you so fucking much."

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I hugged him right back. This hug lasted for quite a while but it was much needed.

He let me in and we talked about anything and everything. I spoke about my time doing photography around different places and he mentioned he had a few new friends. He said their names were Dustin, Mike, Robin,Steve, Nancy and Max but Mike had gone to California to see his girlfriend. I'm glad he had people around to keep him happy while I was gone.

"Can you take me to meet them?"

"Now? Don't you want to chill first after a long journey?"

"No you have me all excited about your friends. C'mon take me to see them."

"Fine but stick by me."

We got in my car since his van is broke and he said they'd all most likely be at the video store where Robin and Steve worked.

When we finally got there I walked in first and Eddie followed after. He walks up to the counter and gets a small group of people to pay attention, I'm guessing these are his friends.

"Everyone this is my twin sister, Tally. Tally, this is everyone."

"It's so nice to meet you. Eddie has already told me a lot about you."

Then the guy with amazing hair came over and stuck his hand out. "Hi, I'm Steve. Where was Eddie hiding you?" He asked out of shock. I went to answer but was cut off by my brother.

"Back off Steve, don't flirt with my sister man."

I looked at him frustratedly "Eddie he was just introducing himself. Don't be rude!" I scolded in a mom tone. "Yeah dude I was just saying hello." Steve responded.

"Yeah but you do try it on with every girl you see. Just don't do that with her."

"Alright I won't. Jeez." Steve rolled his eyes which made me laugh.

Then the girl came up from behind him and stuck her hand out for me to shake, which I accepted. "Hi, I'm Robin, I work with Steve." She smiled.

I managed to meet all of his other new friends and they're all super nice and funny. We were walking to the local park and I was talking with Steve, he managed to make me laugh a lot. I turn to look at Eddie and he looked angry, when he saw I was looking, he came over.

"Steve, what the fuck did I say?"

"I'm not doing anything!" Steve proclaimed.

"You're flirting with my twin, I told you not to."

"Eddie we were just talking. About you actually." I said.

"What about me?"

"About how you care a lot about things and people. Including me."


"You're not as heartless as I thought Eddie." Dustin spoke up which earned him a light headlock and everyone laughed.

When we finally got back to the trailer I decided to speak to Eddie on his protectiveness.

"Hey Eddie can we please talk?"

"Sure let's sit down."

We both sat on the sofa and I hugged him.

"Eddie you are my favourite person ever, you know that but you have to remember... I can stick up for myself and I can talk to whoever."

"I know but I would hate to see you so upset over someone or something Tally."

"Being upset is a part of humanity, everyone has to go through it at some point. I will hurt sometimes but I will be happy, angry, jealous and every other feeling but so does every living being on this planet."

"I'll try to be less uptight. I'm sorry Tally, I love you sis."

"I love you too... Now, should we order some food and listen to music?"

"Why are you asking?! Of course I want to!"

This ended up being one of the most fun evenings I've had in a long time. I'm glad I have my twin again.

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