The Babysitter ☮︎

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Warnings: weed use and slightly suggestive

I miss Dustin. I see him around school but it's not the same as hanging out with him and his friends when his mom asked me to babysit. He's all grown up now and doesn't need me anymore. I still talk to him briefly every now and then but it's not the same.

I was sat in the school library studying for my chemistry exam I had coming up in the following week. I hear a sudden bang and I see the library doors swing open. Dustin and Mike come running in, it looks like they are looking for someone. My thoughts were right and they spot me and come running up to me. "Y/n! This is an emergency we need your help!" Dustin raises his voice. I hush him a bit but get up off of my chair as fast as I could "what happened? Is anyone hurt? Is it your mom?" I frantically question. Dustin deadpans at me "no, nothing like that. Could you please get out of that babysitter mindset for once? We need a third team member for our D&D group. Otherwise we can't play and Eddie gets real cranky over these things. Can you please do this? For me, for us?" He turns to Mike then they both look at me desperately and sadly. How could I say no to them? "Oh alright. I'm not that good at it though." I look at Dustin to see if there's any change of mind. "You're level 11 y/n and you were taught by us. You'll be amazing. C'mon let's go." Just like that I was being dragged out of the library and to their nerd club.

We got there and Dustin yelled over to who I assume was the leader of the club? He struts over and eyes me up. "Well who is this?" He smirks and gestures to me. "Well this is y/n, she used to be our babysitter but she's great at D&D. We got her to play it with us almost everyday." Dustin tenses up as Eddie looks at him. "The best you could find is your babysitter? She hot but does she have what it takes to defeat the most powerful Wizard of them all? The Vecna!" He shouts the last part and it made me jump a little.

(I have never played D&D so sorry for any mistakes)

"Just because you're the leader of this little club doesn't mean you're the best of the best. I'm the Dark Angel and I'm level 11 and so far, nothing has stopped me and I'm willing to bet nothing will." I said stepping closer to Eddie to size him up. All he does is smirk at me "well alright then Angel, let's see what you've got." He sits on what can only be described as a throne and Dustin, Mike and I sit at the opposite end of the table.

After what felt like hours of stress. I won. Everyone in the room got all excited and I even saw Eddie clap for me to which I just smiled and rolled my eyes playfully.

The boys came here on their bikes so I'd be walking home alone. They offered to come with me to make sure I got back safely. I mean all the upside down danger was gone, so I declined their offer and started walking back. It was and hour walk to my house and my car was getting fixed so I'd be able to drive again soon.

A van pulls up next to me and I could just about make out who it was. "Oh hey Eddie, are you alright?" I ask. "Yeah I'm great. I just wanted to congratulate you on your win and also-" he stops talking and looks away almost shyly. "Also what?" I asked him gently to try and ease him into it. " Do you need a ride back to your house?" He looks at me and smiles, I must say he does have a cute smile. "Sure, I'd love to, thank you." I walk around to his passenger door and got in his van.

We finally got to my house but I really wanted to spend more time with Eddie. "Eddie, do you want to stay the night? It would save you going all the way home." I smiled at him. "What about your parents?" He asks lowly to which I giggle a little "they are out of town for the next 3 weeks. You don't have to worry about that." I unlock my door and step inside. I turn to Eddie "so are you coming or are you going to sleep on the grass?" He hesitantly stepped in.

We were now sat on my couch sharing a joint I had stashed away. We were having a really nice time laughing and talking about some memories. "I'm not kidding I had to use all my strength to pull Dustin out of his laundry basket, I still don't know how he got that far in it." I laughed staring into the distance and reminiscing over the memory. Eddie laughed along with me but then stopped and looked at me. "Can I tell you something?" He asked and I looked at him intently "of course you can" I smiled at him. We made eye contact for a while until he spoke up. "I knew who you were when Dustin brought you in. I'd seen you all around town for years and didn't say anything but I wish I did. You're so beautiful and sweet and I couldn't get you even if I tired." He said which left me in shock. "You should've come to speak to me, I don't bite." I said still in shock but he still didn't seem convinced. "You're out of my league and-" I cut him off by kissing him but I pulled back almost instantly because I didn't realize what I was doing. "I'm sorry I've never acted like that before." I sat once again in shock but when I looked up I saw Eddie leaning in slowly and I didn't stop him. It felt surreal. His actions were as soft as his lips, the taste of cigarettes was weirdly comforting and his hands gently gripped my hips and pulled me onto his lap. "Eddie, slow down." I snickered as I pulled away and he smiled at me. "Baby steps. Got it." After that we went up to my room and spoke for the whole night. School was tiring but every time I glanced at him I thought of the night before.

We're the last in line (Eddie Munson Imagines)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora