Daddy's Girl ☮︎

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Get your head out of that gutter!!

Requested: vmendes9806

Warnings: None

I've been with Eddie for 7 years. We've been married for 5 years and we have a 3 year old daughter. I'd never think Eddie could love someone more than me until y/d/n (your daughter's name) was born. She's the light of his life and seeing him with her makes my heart swell in the best possible way. Today was a perfect example of that.

We were on our way to the park, Eddie had y/d/n on his shoulders as he told her to reach for the leaves on the trees. When she finally touched the tip of a leaf she turned her head and looked down at me. "Look mommy! Did you see?! I touched one." She said, her speech wasn't too clear but I knew how to understand her by now. "Wow baby that's amazing!" I said. "Look y/d/n we're finally here." Eddie said taking her off his shoulders. She ran into the park and climbed up the smaller slide steps that were designed for smaller children. Eddie ran up behind her in a bit of a panic. "Woah baby be careful." He was sweating from that worry of her falling and it made me laugh a little. He looked at me like I had 2 heads. "My love, she's alright. She won't get hurt." I said while rubbing his arm gently. He grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on it. "I know but it's still scary to think of." He said. The slide was linked to some monkey bars and she leaned forward to grab them and she dangled there. (It's not really high.) Eddie stood right next to her to make sure she was safe regardless.

After half an hour of playing y/d/n was hungry and luckily we brought a picnic. We layed a blanket down to sit on and got our food out. While eating and talking Eddie constantly had y/d/n laughing, you knew this was the dream life you've always wanted. Y/d/n was eating some cut up grapes until she heard the music of the ice cream van. Her little eyes lit up and she turned to me "mommy can we please get some ice cream?" She was pulling at my top gently with a little smile. "Well it's not up to me, I didn't bring any money with me." I said while looking at Eddie. "Let's go get some ice cream then baby." He said while picking up y/d/n.

After finishing her ice cream she had it all over her face "honey let mommy clean up your face." I said so she turned to face me and I gently washed away the ice cream with a few wipes. "Do I look all pretty again daddy?" She asked Eddie with a big cheesy grin making me laugh. "You always look beautiful, just like your mommy." She said bringing her in for a hug then he motioned for me to join them.

That hug was warm and it was my home. They are my home, my loving and incredible husband and my sweet and bubbly daughter. If I could I would stay in this hug forever with no problems. Just peace. Just my family.

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