~ another weasley? ~

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I waltz into the room where Voldemort held the meeting for all of the death eaters, Draco, Tom and Theo were there aswell. Before questions could be asked i get to the point.

"What the fuck have you done this time, why him!" i rage at the dark lord himself without holding back.

"Ms Dawn, calm down. That was just your fathers punishment. I could kill you of course because you are way too valuable" he answered calmly.

"Way too valuable? You heartless arsehole!" he doesn't take this seriously you can see it by his face.

"You know what i will show you valuable" with that i left the room.

I went home and packed my things before i left i completely destroyed the house with a simple spell. I made sure i didn't leave anything that belongs to me so they can't do a tracking spell and i decided to use a cloaking or an illusion spell and live in the muggle world for a bit.

It was difficult to adjust but i adapted over time. Ive been gone for a year and a half. I'm not sure if Voldemort was even looking for me but i've been practicing my spells and curses. I've also been doing my rituals every full moon and because i haven't been wasting my power i am very dangerous and powerful. My father friends found me and they wanted to make me pay for imprisoning my father and then destroyed the house he was under. I'm not sure how they found me but i wasn't safe here anymore.

I got so used to the muggle things like working, latte, iced coffee, no magic, shopping and many more things. Hogwarts should really start making coffees, they're literally the best thing ever.

I will have to leave my muggle life behind. My fake name, Angel Smith, how ironic. I'm anything but an angel. And 'smith' is the most common last name so it would be very difficult to track me. I disguised myself as a ginger middle ages woman. But somehow i was still found. I wonder how thought or who saw my true face.

I will have to pack some of my stuff again but after seeing how difficult and cruel life is to muggles i will give them what they are in need of so their life becomes a little bit easier.

Over the year I've become strong and cold hearted but when it came to some muggles i got to know durning that year i developed a soft spot for them. Can you blame me? I'm human after all.

I'll be leaving for hogwarts later on this week. I have no idea what to expect. I don't know how to act with my friends, i basically left them and destroyed their house with their stuff still in there. They probably all got their dark marks. I feel horrible for leaving them but it had to be done, for my safety. I'm still not over Adrians death.

I got my bags and i was on my way to a dark quiet lane so i can do a teleportation spell when i bumped into an old man. I quickly apologized and helped him to pick up his stuff from the floor. I look him in the eyes and i saw someone familiar. That wasn't a random old man. It was Draco motherfucking Malfoy. I took my wand out and turned him into a ferret. I picked the white ferret and brought him closer to my face.
"Draco what are you doing here and how did you find me?" i turn him back into himself .

"Mel... I found you on accident a couple months ago, i saw you helping those beggars-"

"They are not beggars ferret they are people who need help"

"Yes i'm sorry, you looked like you were comfortable with your muggle life and i didn't want to bother you but i did stick around to keep an eye on you. Also what's with all the bags?"

"I'm moving back to hogwarts" his eyes lit up and he jumped to hug me.

"Why do you have ginger hair though, like out of all colours whh ginger" i really never thought about it but i guess i'll change back to my actual colour soon enough.

We stepped into the spell which took up to the hogwarts main entrance. It was dinner time and we were both starving which is not a big surprise. Draco and I stuff our faces every chance we get. I asked the elves to take my bags to my room and Dumbledore was informed that i was back.

Draco and I walk through the great hall doors "Welcome back" Dumbledore literally shouted, never liked that shitty santa claws wanna be. I'm worried all my friends will hate me because of what i did but i don't have much more time to think about it because we're already at the slitherin table where the group was sitting at. "Don't think i've met this Weasley?" Tom genuinely looks confused, i don't look too different with ginger hair do i? I don't think most of my friends recognized me because they gave me no reaction at all.

I mumbled a spell that turned my hair back to normal. "Melanie!!" Tom got up and... hugged me?
"Um hi Tom" he's really not as bad as people say he is. Pansy, Blaise, Theodore all got up to hug me aswell. They seemed happy to see me.

"Are yous not mad at me? At what i did?" i was expecting them to completely to ignore me.

"Of course not you dumbass" Pansy hugged me again "You better be my roommate again" she added

My eyes met Mattheos. He really hasn't changed a bit.


He had a scar from his eyebrow down past his eye. It looked healed and he had a fresh cut on the bridge of his nose.

What the hell happened to you? i went into his mind but he just looked up at me, got up and left.

1020 words

Partners in crime ~ mattheo riddle Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora