>the meeting<

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We get to the manor and we are welcomed by some death eaters. They showed us the way to the room where the meeting was held. The doors open and everyone looks at us. It was a long table and at the very back was Voldemort and his sons on his side.

"Welcome my child, have a seat" he pointed to the one next to mattheo.

"I would much rather stand thank you" i look him in the eyes and say. My Father was about to hit me when Voldemort stopped him.

"That's quite enough Duncan, sit" he looks at me "I like you miss Dawn, you are very brave and have a strong spirit just like your mother" he laughed.

I'm not going to listen to another word he says "Avada Kedavra!" i shout pointing my wand at him. "Protego!" says Tom which creates the magic shield saving his father.

"Not bad. The day my son Mattheo turns 16 you and your friends are going to get the dark mark and you will serve me. You miss Dawn are special, i can feel it but you are also deadly which is a good advantage." Voldemort was already making future plans. We are just pawns in his game.

The meeting was ending and before everyone left, Voldemort looked at me and said "It was a pleasure meeting you Melanie Dawn and i will see you back here again soon". I didn't say anything back and just walked out.

~mattheos pov

"I want you to get closer to her and get her to join our side with no chance she will change sides, she's far too powerful and valuable. I don't care if you sleep with her or just become friends do everything you can. Tom watch your brother and help him too."

"Yes father" we said in union and left him in the room by himself.

"What do you have in mind? For Melanie." Tom asked abs honestly i had no clue.

"I have a few ideas, don't underestimate me brother" with that i walked up to my room.

~back to Mel's pov

Adrian and I are all packed up and ready to go back to hogwarts. Father got us to the train station he hugged Rian and then he hugged me. "Get close to one of the Riddles, you can marry one of them and it will make us powerful and unstoppable. Oh yeah if you don't your sweet little brother there will get hurt" he whispered in my ear leaving me speechless. I slowly walk away from him, grab Rians arm and get on the train. He goes off to sit with friends while i sit with mine. I had to figure something out with Mattheo because if i don't Rian will get hurt but i won't let that happen. I have to do something about Enzo.

I found my friends. Draco,Blaise, Pansy and Theodore sat on one side of the table. Tom, Theo and Enzo sat on the other. I walked into the carriage and closed the door behind me. Tom and Enzo got up to give me a seat but Theo didn't bother moving. I was now sitting in between my boyfriend and the person i'm supposed to get in with. My head was killing me because i was frustrated so i leaned on Enzo, putting my head on his shoulder. But he almost pushed me away with his shoulder. I look at my friends and Draco and Pansy are already looking at me with a confused look. Mattheo was sitting by the window and was looking out at the beautiful view. I poke his arm getting his attention. I ask him if i could put my head on his shoulder, he looked a bit confused but agreed. I fell asleep in Mattheos arms but he gently woke me up and told we it was time to leave.

We got off the train and teleported to hogwarts and into the slitherin common room. Enzo walked up to me grabbing my arm and pushing me aside. " What the fuck was that Melanie?!" he was referring to the thing on the train. " You clearly didn't want me to lean on you so i asked Theo instead and don't shout at me" But he kept shouting at me and was about to hit me. My friends saw and were about to stop Enzo but i knew they wouldn't make it in time. "Crusio!" i watched as Lorenzo's body fell back and he lay there screaming in pain. I put a spell on the common room so no one can enter or hear anything that was happening here.

I lifted the curse and he looked at me in horror. I look up at my friends but they looked everywhere exept in my eyes.

"I've been cheating on you with a griffindor since like the second week we started dating." He laughed.

I mumbled a spell that changed Enzo's house from slitherin to hufflepuff. The spell also convinces everyone that it was like that always.

"Go to your own common room and never talk to me Berkshire, we're over!"

Well that's Enzo problem handled. Now it's time to work on Mattheo.

875 words

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