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rosalind monroe's pov

tomorrow i'll be back at school, finally my suspension will be over. i will be able to see my friends and talk to cher. i've been waiting for this day for what feels like ages, and it's finally here.

i stepped downstairs, mom decided to unground me this morning so i now have free access to do almost anything i want. as i walked into the living room i noticed lilac in a very intense dance session while watching TV.

"rose, join me! this is soooooo fun" she practically yells over the loud music, a huge smile on her face as she doesn't take her eyes off of the TV.

"alright, i guess" i respond, joining her in the living room as i slowly get the hang of the dance and begin getting really into it. a smile now on my face too.

in the middle of one of the dances i hear the doorbell ring. "i'll get it" i tell her, walking to the door"

as i open the door aalayna comes into my view "i was wondering if you'd like to hang out?" she questions.

"oh yeah come in," i say as i move to the side ad she walks in "uh my friend and i were dancing to music, wanna join us?" i ask, to which she nods and follows me into the living room.

"who's that?" lilac asks, only glancing at us for a moment.

"this is aalayna, the girl i told you about last week. aalayna this is lilac" i tell her, pointing to the brunette dancing as if her life depends on it.

"nice to meet you" lilac says while aalayna replies with a small "you too" before joining me as i dance to the song. words cannot describe my love for this song, i'd marry it if i could; that's just how good it is.

suddenly the door opened and a loud tristan and violet walked in while cher, dionne, and tai followed behind them. tristan and violet were carrying a shit load of snacks while cher, dionne, and tai were carrying pillows and blankets, a lot of them.

"oh you came! sorry rose i forgot to tell you i invited them for a little sleepover to celebrate that your ungrounded. mom's already okay with it" lilac said before turning of the TV.

"hi guys, this is aalayna. i'm sure you already saw her at school. aalayna this is tristan, violet, cher, dionne, and tai" i inform aalayna. for a second i saw aalayna's eyes when i mentioned cher's name and they almost held.. anger? and when i looked at my friends they all kind of looked nervous, do they know something?

"i know" aalayna said almost angrily. and i could see her staring at cher as if she wanted to kill her, i guess something happened between them?

"uh.. do you guys know eachother?" i asked, looking between cher and aalayna. "yeah, i guess we do" cher replied nervously.

"how about you join us for the sleepover aalayna, maybe ask your mom or something?"

"i'm not sure there will be enough room, you sure you want me to?" she asks.

"please join us, i'm sure my friends would like to get to know you" i say, glancing at them as they nod, except for cher.

"well i guess so, i'll go get my pillow and blankets really quick, see you in a bit" she says before walking out the door. cher almost lets out a huge breath, something is definitely up. i'm going to ask them later.

the possibilities of why they may be rivals float around in my mind: maybe they got into a fight, no, i'd head about that. maybe they are secretly rivals from childhood, nah, aalayna only moved here like two weeks ago. then what's wrong?

aalayna onyema's pov

i hate cher with everything inside me, everything. when i first got to school i hear cher talking about rosalind, how much she liked rosalind, how much she wanted to date rosalind. but i like rosalind! i feel like things are gonna get really competitive between her and i soon. i know i should be happy that good things are being said about rosalind, but that certainly isn't okay.

cher horowitz's pov

when i saw aalayna is rosalind's home i got flashbacks from when i was talking about rose to dionne.

"i think i love rosalind, everything about her - her name, her personality, her beauty, just her! how do i tell her? what do i do?" i ask dionne, i could feel my face heating up.

before dionne could respond, aalayna, the new girl walked by and said "here's some advice, back off from rose. she's mine" the girl said, what? suddenly all i felt was anger "what do you mean she's 'yours'? she isn't anybody's. and i'm sure if we asked her who she likes she'd say me. i'm told almost everyday rose and i would be the perfect couple, so how about you back off, bitch." i tell her, stepping up. i'm usually not this confident when it comes to crushes but aalayna has to back off.

a couple boys walked by and one muttered cat fight, to which dionne said "fuck off". i'm sure anyone in a 10 foot radius of us could practically feel the tension.

"c'mon cher, let's get away from this homewrecker" dionne said, glaring at her before pulling me away.

"you guys aren't even dating! how am i a homewrecker?" aalayna yelled but we didn't respond, she kind of has a point, but she should still back off.

as aalayna walked out the door i silently prayed she wouldn't come back, she'll ruin the entire mood tonight, i know it. my friends know it, i wish rose could maybe see something was wrong.

10 minutes have passed, and aalayna hasn't come back yet. maybe my wish has been granted.

published :: june 12th 2022
i know i say this alot but sorry i haven't posted in a month, my phone got broken and i only got a new one a week ago. i'll try to update soon, just know there will be a part 2 to this chapter next time i update.

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