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rosalind monroe's pov

as dionne pulls me to the scene, i see cher on the ground with tears streaming down her face while elton is yelling at her. i don't think anyone understand what he's saying.

i do eventually get a grip on the situation and what he's saying and that's when it hits me, cher and elton are fighting over me.

elton was walking towards her until i yelled "what the fuck?!" at him which for sure catched his attention. all eyes were on us as i was getting ready to punch him, who the hell does he think he is?

"rosa rosa!! haha i can explain, you see cher over here-" he says but i cut him off and walk towards him, slamming him against a locker and begin yelling at him.

he pushes me off him and i take my chance and punch him, over the months lilac has been forcing me to take karate classes with her after her obsession with the karate kid movie series, and i must say those classes really payed off.

elton was on the ground, far over half the audience jaws were on the floor probably wondering how the hell a girl could punch so hard to make someone end up on the floor.

"YEAH THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!" tristan yells, and that's when i realize lilac, violet, and tristan must have seen the whole thing. i thought they were walking to class?

while i was thinking elton decided to sweep my legs, making me fall to the ground as he gained his composure.

by now cher was off the ground and dionne and tai were comforting her, though if anything they were calming her down, she looked pissed. on the other hand lilac looked scared, she knows i can throw a punch well and i think she was a little scared for both me and elton, elton is strong too.

i then sat up before elton could make a move and pushed him into the lockers again, i guess i pushed him into one of the locker handle opener things because he flinched and looked like he was in pain. i grabbed him again and began doing whatever i could to make him feel pain and know not the hurt cher again.

two teachers ran up to us, one being my 2nd period teacher and the other being some other teacher who i don't know.

of course the teachers grabbed me because i was the one who was doing the harm. as i was being pulled away i noticed elton fall to the ground and the other teachers who just got to the scene and a few other students helping him.

*• *•* •*

"you're getting a 3 week suspension miss monroe, how many times must i say it?" the assistant principal said, with an annoyed look on his face.

"but elton was harrassing and possibly committed assault to cher, why isn't he getting any sort of punishment?" i exclaimed, putting on an act. usually i wouldn't mind a suspension but my mom would kill me plus i would miss my friends to much. the only reason i was talking back was because i wanted my suspension to become shorter, not because i didn't want a suspension, i knew that isn't possible.

"and what about my grades? they will become all F's if i miss 3 weeks of school!" i continued

"this isn't about elton rosalind, he will be getting his punishment too. you should be grateful that i'm not getting you expelled or giving you a longer suspension period, i know your mom wouldn't like that. for grades since i know lilac lives with you and you often hang out with tristan and violet i'm not concerned, i'll make sure they give you the homework every day and you can return it once your done with your suspension. are there any more questions or concerns?" he said, leaning back into his chair.

"why would i be getting homework? at my old school my friend got a suspension and he got no homework, that isn't fair"

"because rosalind, this isn't your old school. the rules are different here from there, now will you please sit outside and wait for your parents so i can speak with mr. tiscia"

"you are aware you can call 'mr tiscia' by elton, right?" i question

"just leave miss monroe"

*• *•* •*

"rosalind" mom says with a stern look on her face as she rolls down the window while i stand outside her car.

"mom" i say, now opening the car door and getting in.

"rosalind moon monroe, i thought i raised you better! what makes you think you can punch a classmate in the face?" she yells angrily "now i have a meeting with the principal, assistant principal, the kids parents, another kids parents, and your teacher!" she continues

"hold on, hold on! let me explain — basically i was walking to class with my friends and dionne ran up to me and dragged me a hallway where cher was on the ground and basically sobbing while elton was yelling at her. so i decided to walk up to elton, push him against the lockers, punch him. which made him fall and he then sweeped my legs and i fell and then i pushed him against the locker and did a few things and then the teachers pulled me back! that's all" i said.

"rosalind you don't understand, your could get charged with assault! i swear once we get home you're grounded. G R O U N D E D. GROUNDED"

"it was basically self defense and sticking up for my friend" i argued back

"silence! you're grounded whether you like it or not so get over it" she says, and then the words she said before hit me, and the words the assistant principal said really hit me, and the whole situation really hit me. and only now do i regret it.

what the hell is wrong with me?

published :: april 1st 2022
happy april fools day. i know it took me a few days to update so ignore that. i'm kind of confused on who's side i should stand for, rosalind or eltons. i mean like elton was being a bitch and had it coming but i'm a bit scared for rosalind's future because what she did was pretty stupid and wasn't self defense. i'm still thinking on what should happen next chapter

- sincerely, rielle <3

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