So I was-

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*red curtains with searching spotlight*

'Ladiessss and gentelmensss.....

May I introduce you tooo...........


*red curtains open*

*jazz band play tunes*

*Lilo walks on stage with a smile*

*lilo walks to the stand,speaks in the mic*

'Thank you for hav-


'eH'.Lilo said.

*dead silence*


'Let me explain-


*audience took out the torches*

*war cries*

*audience jumps on lilo*

*red curtains close*


Hello ma friends,family and strangers. My apologies for being.......gone. Like damn 2-4 months are loonngggggggg.


I am back, I had my exams and will graduate. For the time being,I will go to work to earn some moneeeyyyyy for, y'

Shout out to the people who messaged me,even though I didn't respond. I deepily care about you guys and it warms my heart that you guys also care about me 🥰

I am looking forward to update my books and will see you all in the comments.

Thank you for reading this far.

Enjoy my books,bye folks!

Walk in the Storm KNYxF! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora