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Well hello there........

So........you guys now know what Y/n is and I want to some things clear and others..........things 🤔.There will be a chance were I will updated this page/chapter (?) to clear things up.

•Y/n is a Princess

•Her father and her sibilings have the vermillion mark,not the mother because it only comes in the royal family and you know the mom was from a another family so its not on her

•The royal palace is in the middle of Japan

•The last name Nakamura meaning is 'middle village',see what I did there?

•Muzan killed Y/n family because of their healing abilities,He wanted to stop their bloodline and he wanted to eat them so maybe if he eat this family and the Kamado's he could go in the sun

My thinking in this is that Nezuko can go in the sun while she was a demon so Muzan hoped to go in the sun because the are family from yoriichi who was the sun breather and the blood run through Y/n has amazing healing abilities. So mix those two together he could go into the sunlight but we all know he failed both families with killing because some of them surived so yeahhhh maybe he could go in the sun if he kiled everyone in those families.

•The old man of Y/n was a old samuari so she learned swordmenship from him,Y/n did read about breathing styles in the palace through scrolls,so she made up her forms fron the old man and the scrolls

•Some high position man is the current king,they somehow made up a fake story about the true royal family and people believed it

•They also send assassins for Y/n,it was the old man's idea to let Y/n learn how to handle a sword and send her to a place that the goverment don't deal with.For her own protecting

•The fake royal family has told the people that the King that is now on the throne is the brother of the orginal king but they 'moved' to somewhere else and had a family.

•yes FAMILY, there is a Queen and princess but they have no vermillion mark in their foehead so people or kinda sus about them,those wil spread rumors about them or the orginal family gets punished.

• Y/n always carry a puch with a foundation type thing to cover her birth mark ( the vermillion dot),a blade sharper thing and bandages

If you have any question.please asks.I am everyday on wattpad so I will see and then react to it as soon as possible.Hopefully this will clear up things from the story

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