Chapter 62: The War Hammer Titan

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                                                                     **A Few Hours Ago**

Before the events of the end of the festival Willy managed to be able to say goodbye to his family before he left to meet up with Lady Okumura first then would later give his speech. Not long later he was being escorted out alongside Magath to speak about their plan.

"What of Lady Okumura?" Willy asked.
"She will be taken to the escape route in a few hours or so, so we've ensured her survival for this," Magath replied.

Not long later though they got into a small spat about what the turn of events was and later were back on the same page once again. Shaking hands in agreement.


Eren in his titan form continued to roar as Willy's body had later fallen into his mouth and pretty much ate the man in front of hundreds of people, letting his arm hang at his side he slowly stood up tall and looked at the people with a menacing look in his eyes as Willy's blood ran down his chin.

Ayane stood there with her usual stoic expression as she watched Eren's titan forming out of the building underneath where the speech was being held watching as Willy was thrown up into the air already dead. Witnessing all of it.

                                                                       **Flash Back**

"Lady Okumura this is my wonderful sister, she has been waiting a long time to meet you," Willy explains introducing his sister to her.
"Hello..." Ayane says in an act of shyness.
"My brother is right, I've been waiting so long to meet you." Willy's younger sister smiles holding out her hand.
"Huh?" Ayane asked.
"You only need to have me unlock the final door to your powers right? I'll be more than happy to help out. You know what must be met before all powers are awakened right?" Willy's little sister asked.
"Yeah, I know." Ayane nods.

Once more Willy's sister smiled and held her hand out once more, Ayane sent a rather convincing fake smile and grasped the woman's hand felt a shock go through her as Ayane flinched slightly, next thing she knew she felt something snap as the final piece to her powers finally was awakened.

Willy and his sister watched in awe as Ayane's hair moved as if it was in the wind and slowly turn completely white, when things calmed down Ayane sighed and slowly opened her eyes.

" this is what it looks like when an Okumura's powers are completely awakened..." Willy muttered.
"You now have the power of all nine titans as it was preordained, you will be humanity's hope for a future that will free us all." Willy's little sister said softly smiling.
"I'm tired..." Ayane comments.
"Ahh yes my apologies, I had forgotten that it takes a lot of energy to withstand the awakening." Willy apologizes.
"It's quite alright, I'll be heading off to bed soon anyway," Ayane explains.
"I'll walk you back to make sure you get there safely." Willy offers.
"Thank you," Ayane replies.

That was actually the truth, Ayane was exhausted though she wondered what more would be revealed to her when her blood was completely awakened. Soon as she was safely in her assigned room she noticed Eren there sitting on her bed.

"Did you-" Eren spoke but stopped when Ayane held her hand up.

Training her ears she carefully listened for Willy's footsteps, soon as she didn't hear anyone by her room she peeked out the window and watched as he and his sister left and rode off.

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