Chapter 28: Warrior

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After the tower incident Ayane felt numb...she lost more of her family and as much as she was thankful for what Eren was trying to do his best to comfort her it only worked for a short amount of time before the pain'd need to take time for this feeling go...or not.

While one hand was holding hers the other cupped her cheek, his thumb stroked her cheek as he gave her a worried gaze which was also a silent question but she shook her head knowing what he wanted to ask but didn't want to talk about it for the time being.

Nodding his head Eren took off his green cloak and wrapped it around Ayane's shoulders buttoning it up then kissed her cheek for comfort. For the moment after that, they just stood there holding hands as later Ayane would rest her head on Eren's shoulder after quickly placing the hood over her head to hide her face considering she felt some tears slowly form in the corner of her eyes.

"Listen...after we kill all the titans...let's find a place to live together in," Eren spoke up blushing.
"At peace? Together?" Ayane asked.
"Yeah, if you'd like I could always build you a home near the ocean if it even exists and we could live there the rest of our lives together there in peace," Eren explained.
"There's no such thing as peace for someone like me." Ayane sighed.
"Of course there is. We will one day find a way to achieve it." Eren promised.
"There isn't for me Eren, and there never will be...when you've watched your family die one by one before your very eyes, hell is all you'd end up knowing. So when you're thrown into the fray where peace might be possible...where a future with someone could's nearly impossible to believe." Ayane sighed.
"I promise you! Once everything is all over with and we live past this war...we'll have a chance to live our lives together." Eren tells her.

Ayane wanted to believe him she truly did, so when she lifted her head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes she could see the determination in them and for a split moment she felt like maybe...just maybe a possible future such as that could happen...but a huge sense of doubt overruled her thoughts.

"I want to believe you...I really do but..." Ayane tells him.
"Guess we'll just have to wait and see right?" Eren told her smiling a bit.

'I swear day I'll prove to you that you deserve a peaceful life. I'll give it to you once we're done with all these titans and this war...I'll build you a home you can feel safe in, a place where you'll be happy and where you'll smile more often and not have to worry about anything anymore...' Eren thought pressing his forehead to yours.

For a split moment, neither Eren nor Ayane noticed Mikasa look at them with a frown and an expression of jealousy. Sasha smiled sadly at her and gently tugged on her arm to get her to walk with her as they would join the others.

Reiner though had just made it up the wall and when both Eren and Ayane heard his grunts in efforts to get up himself both rushed to his side and helped him up, along with Ayane scolding him in a cold tone about doing things on his own when injured like this. Reiner on the other hand laughed it off as he knew despite her tone she was somewhat joking with him.

"Sorry Ayane, I'll try to be more careful from here on out," Reiner replies.
"Tch just do better," Ayane says rolling her eyes.

From the side, however, Ayane overheard Kirsta or well no...Historia now? Anyway, she was defending Ymir and Ayane decided to step in. She weights in that if Ymir was working with the enemy they why was she herself still here? If Ymir was truly with the enemy then she could've just grabbed her and took her without the others since they didn't have their gear.

While Historia and Hange checked up on Ymir, Ayane went back to Eren's side who held her hand in his and brought her close to his chest. Right now he was focusing on comforting her as he knew very well she was suffering on the inside whereas her expression on the outside didn't show it...she could fool everyone else but him...never. He saw straight through her and knew when she needed someone to be there for her or when she needed to talk.

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