Chapter 29: Close Combat

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While transforming into his titan form Eren remembered for a split second about what Reiner and Bertholt once told him about going back to their hometown after a while of being away...but in the end, they were just traitors right?

Eren let out a titan roar and punched Reiner in the face sending them all to the ground crashing, Ayane's body still in Reiner's grasp. Mikasa looked down and tried to look through the smoke from the impact of the two.

"Eren...Ayane..." Mikasa mutters before looking back up.

'What's wrong with me? Why didn't I slice their goddamn heads off?! That was the perfect chance! Why did I hesitate? Why!? That was it there won't be another opportunity.' Mikasa thought.

Up above on the walls Hange and the others were dealing with Bertholt, honestly, Hange would love to go check on her niece but she'll have to trust both Eren and Mikasa in saving her though she wasn't sure what the outcome of that fight would be considering Reiner's titan form armour all over him. Hence the name.

"Move everyone!!" Hange shouted when Bertholt went for an attack.

Not everyone got away though cause when they retreated to the side of the wall everyone watched in horror as Bertholt 'ate' Ymir and another soldier. With one last look at her niece, Hange ground her teeth together then began giving out orders. When asked about Ayane, Hange explained that everyone needs to put their trust in Eren and Mikasa to get her back.

Those who had their gear at this very moment and were in the 104th with Ayane looked at their unconscious friend and then at each other, with a nod of their heads they began to prepare for battle. Due to the large size, however, Bertholt's titan was slow at moving which gave them an easy moment to get out of the way safely though no one expected it when suddenly a gust of steam was blown towards them as Bertholts defence.

With the order to fall back they all regrouped, Armin though noticed that this was much different than the last time Bertholt was in titan form and disappeared, he tested his theory about the steam being a large effect of defence which sadly was proven...thus meant that they had to sit and wait...Hange though ordered everyone to surround Bertholt and wait for the right opening.

'They aren't taking you, Ayane. Not on my watch...I don't know why they need you but if it's something about what that priest says then protection for you will need to be the highest priority.' Hange thought.

As two other squads were dealing with Bertholt, Hange had Armin join her to help Mikasa and Eren fight off Reiner.

However, the fight between Eren and Reiner was clearly at the moment one-sided, both of them took notice of Ayane and tried to avoid further injuries to the unconscious girl it got to the point where Reiner couldn't afford to fight with just one hand.

But before he could actually do anything Eren's vision was clouded with anger as his gaze fell on Ayane, her head roll from side to side, he could also see some blood that had rolled down her chin, angered by the sight he punched Renier in the face and despite the fact, Reiner barely flinched Eren went to reach for Ayane he received a punch back sending him flying away. Mikasa decided to join in and try to cut away at Reiner's titan form but nothing worked her blades kept breaking.

When Eren got up to his feet he watched in shock as Reiner opened his mouth and tossed Ayane inside then quickly shut his mouth and held her on his tongue, the armour on his jaw closed up protecting it from Eren or anyone else from trying to get to Ayane.

'No! I will not let you take her from me too! I promised her we'd live our lives together! And I have every intention to keep it!' Eren thought.

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