My Sweet Prince

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Rain was thundering down against the windows of Grimmauld Place, the pitter-patter of each droplet like continuous drumming against the glass as it fell.

Remus would always sleep right through it. Sirius, however, would not.

Maybe that was a good thing, because on this night in particular, had he been asleep, he wouldn't have heard the sound of knocking on the front door.

He furrowed his brow and looked across at Remus, still lost in his own dreams and unlikely to rise anytime soon. He was already in pyjamas, but the robe and slippers were needed due to the lack of nighttime heat in the old property.

He reached the door sleepily and unhooked the latch by hand, realising he'd left this wand on the dresser two flights up and praying now that it wasn't anyone harmful on the other side.

As the door creaked open, he was greeted by the sight of Draco, hugging himself to shield from the cold, the rain beating down on him making his platinum hair a darker shade and far more dishevelled. Raindrops dripped from the strands of hair hanging over his eyes and the end of his nose, his eyes were puffy and pink, stained instead, with teardrops.

Draco looked up from the floor and met Sirius' alarmed expression.

"Please can I come in?"


Within minutes, Draco found himself on the sofa wrapped in two towels, one around his shoulders, the other had been ruffled through his hair and now sat on his lap.

The tears had slowed but the occasion sniffle still ran through him, with his breathing returning to normal and his eyes stinging less.

Sirius appeared with a mug of steaming tea and passed it to him where Draco took it kindly and held it to his chest, the scent of chamomile soothing his soul.

"Harry... Harry and I, we had an argument."

"I sort of figured that bit out, considering you're on my doorstep and not your own." Sirius smiled sympathetically and Draco sniffed back more tears. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Not really.

Draco kept himself transfixed on the tea in his hands, trying to muster up the right words to say without telling Sirius that they'd been to a sex club and fucked in public before being harassed by a horny middle-aged man.

But it wasn't just what had happened at the club. It was everything, all the things he'd been suppressing for weeks through the mask of happiness.

"People hate me." Draco finally whispered.

"Who? Who hates you?"

"People." Draco composed himself and took a breath, piecing his thoughts together. "Last week... a group of people were saying malicious things to us because I was holding Harry's hand and then, on a different occasion, we were in the street when I kissed Harry goodbye... just a little peck... and a man spat at me. He.... he called me a... a-"

"You don't need to say it, Draco." Sirius soothed, placing a comforting hand on his knee.

Draco nodded and sniffed again. "Then my parents..."

There it was. The conversation Sirius knew Draco was refusing to talk about. It was festering inside and he knew it was only time before Draco broke.

"It didn't go well with them, did it?" Sirius asked. He knew the answer.

"They don't love me anymore." Tears welled again in Draco's eyes which frustrated him because he'd just got his crying under control. Sirius felt his heart ache as he spoke. "They said that loving Harry is... it's... wrong and... disgusting..."

Drarry - Possession - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now