Are You Proud Of Me?

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Harry whispered softly, looking down at the blonde snuggled gorgeously in his bare arms

"Draaacooo...." he couldn't help smiling to himself in awe of the perfection that lay before him. Draco was sleeping peacefully, his cheek smushed against Harry's shoulder, platinum hair splayed out against Harry's dark complexion. Soft breaths tickled the skin on his arms as Draco stirred slightly and pulled himself closer into his boyfriend.

"Draco, my love. I need you to wake up."

"Mmm-why?" came a tiny voice, muffled by drowsiness

"Because I want to grab a glass of water from the kitchen."

Draco didn't respond at first, instead, a smile flit across his face as he came to, enjoying the fact that he had Harry trapped and could stay cuddled to him forever "And if I don't move?"

"Then I guess I'll die of thirst."

"Please don't do that."

"Or I could just do this-!" Harry dug his other free hand into Draco's ribs and began tickling, triggering an outburst of curses and laughter.

"Stop Harry! Stop!" Draco grinned, jerking away to hide as Harry attacked him playfully, ending up underneath him, screaming with joy "Stop tickling me, your arse!"

"Fine," Harry smirked, sitting back on his heels with Draco panting beneath him, red-faced and beaming with love.

"You're so gorgeous, you know that?" Harry smiled, leaning down to plant kisses across Draco's chest.

"I don't believe you."

"Well tough, because you are," Harry said, dragging his finger sweetly across Draco's cheek before climbing off and disappearing from the room to the kitchen.

Draco remained flat on his back, grinning up at the ceiling, his heart beating double-time in his chest as happiness suddenly soared through him.

He's my boyfriend... my actual boyfriend! I can't believe I get to hug him and kiss him and touch him every single day! Merlin, I'm so stupidly, madly, head-over-heels in love with Harry Potter! I've never felt so lucky...

"Okay, so I was going to grab a glass of water but then I realised we had orange juice in the fridge so for the perfect start to your Saturday morning, here is a glass of ice-cold orange juice with no bits and a lemon wedge - just how you like it."

Draco's eyes lit up, suddenly realising how dry his mouth was as he took the glass of juice, already damp with condensation down the side from how cold it was, and sipped quietly, the fresh citrus buzz instantly waking his senses.

Harry slid back under the covers and sat beside Draco, downing his drink in one and placing the glass on the bedside table before slipping down and resting back on the pillow. Draco joined him soon after, pulling the duvet back over them, finding Harry's hands running from his torso to his back.

They were silent for a while, looking deep into each other's eyes with sleepy smiles. Draco traced his fingers through Harry's hair, down his neck and onto his shoulder and pulled him into a soft kiss, tasting the sweetness on his lips.

A tingling heat surged through Harry's groin which lead him to climb on top of Draco with his legs either side of him, pushing him down gently into the mattress.

Draco moaned and kissed Harry harder, slipping his tongue inside, greeted by the wonderful wave of bliss that came from the intimacy with his lover.

"Are you... still... sore?" Harry asked between kisses.

Drarry - Possession - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now