10. You can run away with me

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Date: May 1974

Location: New Jersey, B.P.R.D. Headquarters

The beeping of the computers and clicking from the typewriters filled up the lab. The white-coated people shuffled through their notes and viciously wrote down their notes as they watched the young pyrokinetic girl. Professor Broom stood watching the little girl from the other side of the one-sided window. The little girl sat near the corner of the fireproof room curled up. He frowned as she shivered from fear as one of the scientists walked into the room with a food tray in hand.

The scientists walked slowly towards her trying to hand her the tray. With a shaky hand, she slowly extended herself over to grab the tray. Her fingers lightly touched the scientist's hand causing him to scream in fear and drop the tray.

"SHE TOUCHED ME!" He screeched as he ran towards the door. Professor Broom watched in anger and disgust at the scientist's behavior. The little girl's lip quivered and her shoulders fell as the man ran away from her. She wasn't going to hurt him, it's not her fault she can't control her powers. She dropped her head to her knees and covered her eyes as she silently began to sob. She just wanted to go home, she missed her mom, her dad, and her little brother. She wasn't a monster, she didn't mean to kill her family. The scientists watched in amazement and fear as she unknowingly lit herself on fire. Blue flames surrounded her whole body as her silent sobs became not so silent. Professor Broom's heart broke as he watched on. This needed to end.

Just as he was about to terminate today's experiment the lab doors slammed open and an angry adult Hellgirl came in. The scientists tensed up as she stomped in the lab ignoring and shoving off the security that tried to stop her. Professor Broom tensed up in shame as Hellgirl slightly glared at him.

"My dear, you must let the men do what they need to do so we know how to help her." Hellgirl scoffed as Broom tried to reason with her. She wasn't going to let this poor girl suffer like she had to. They needed to learn when to stop even if it meant she had to do it.

"She's just a child." Professor Broom sighed as she hissed back. Hellgirl was now 27 years old, well her body was. Her mind was still of a young preteen. Her physical body grew rapidly but mentally she hasn't. She stomped over to the door of the fireproof room before scientists began to protest.

"Ma'am you can't go in there! You aren't wearing a fireproof suit!" Hellgirl snapped her eyes over to the young most likely new scientist who had their hand on her shoulder trying to stop her.

"You're fucking joking right?" She hissed shoving his hand off of her. She walked over to the door and softly tapped her left knuckles on the door.

"Knock Knock, mind if I come in?" Hellgirl slowly opened the door peeking her head inside. The little girl tensed up and looked up in fear with tears still dripping from her eyes.

"You can't. You... You talked to me?" The little girl's lip trembled as she fearfully watched the red-skinned girl walk in without any fear.

"Shouldn't I talk to you?" The little girl quickly shook her head and pushed herself more into the corner trying to create space between them. She didn't wanna burn her, she didn't want more people to be afraid of her. Hellgirl stepped forward slowly but without any hesitation before plopping herself onto the girl's bed. The little girl watched with wide eyes and quickly grabbed the pillow next to her and clenched it against her body. She looked up at Hellgirl with tears still in her eyes before silently whispering.

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