5. Red + Green

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With a shaky breath, Red slowly lifted her hands up in surrender silently praying to herself that it doesn't attack her. She wouldn't feel right fighting it, knowing it's also Bruce.

"Hey pal... no hard feelings, eh?" Red joked trying to downplay the situation. Hulk let out a deep growl. If it wasn't for the Tinman pushing Bruce, Hulk wouldn't be here. Yeah, Hulk hated when Bruce never let him out but he also hated how annoying the Tinman was. They always treated Hulk like he was a parasite. Red couldn't help but tense up from how awkward this situation was. One second she was sleeping, the next Tony was being a dick and now she was locked in a blaring lab with a huge green thing staring down at her.

"Bruce, I'm really sorry for starting a fight that caused Tony to push you." She awkwardly laughed. Hulk huffed out in anger while curling his lip. Hulk hated how no one tried to acknowledge him, only Banner. Hulk wanted friends too.

"No, Banner. Just Hulk." A silent wheeze came from Red's lips. Maybe I should've read the files Mannings and Fury gave me so I could've at least Lea about my new teammates-

"Um...Hi Hulk, I'm Red." She waved up at the Hulk trying to calm the situation. Hulk squinted his eyes at the red demon before lifting a finger up to point at her.

"Red... Banner's friend." Red couldn't stop the smile that worked its way onto her lips. The Hulk knew her. He isn't too bad, She nodded before pointing back at him.

"Green, Red's friend." Hulk looked down at her with a sinister smile on his face. Red is friend, he thought to himself.


Just as Nat closed the lab door shut proceeding with the code green Fury barely managed to arrive. After running down flights of stairs to the lab level he quickly found the bloody-nosed Tony, who was surrounded by the rest of the Avengers demanding to know what just happened. Just as he was about to question Tony he did a quick headcount... 8,9,10... Where's Red.

"You better tell me what the hell is going on!" Fury spat out pushing his finger against Tony's chest. Fury isn't a very demanding man so he thinks so himself. He doesn't ask for much, hell he can give two fucks about what the Avengers do, truly. But, Red isn't one of his, he's only borrowing her, so if anything would've happened to her it's on his hands.

Tony scoffed at Fury's little fit before rolling his eyes. Why does he care so much about her?

"We had a code green, everything is fine," he stated trying to not make it that big of a deal.

"And where's Red?" He questioned with a raised brow glaring Tony down. Tony just stared back at Fury not saying a word which only angered him more. Fury's nostrils flared in anger as he spun around on his heel looking straight at Steve.

"I'm only going to ask this once again. Where. Is. Red?" Steve opened and closed his mouth trying to find the right words to explain to Fury that they left her in there with the Hulk before Natasha cut him off.

"We left her in the lab with the Hulk."

Fury took in a deep breath trying to calm his nerves before walking away from the group towards a set of computers.

"Friday, give me visuals of inside the lab." Friday replied with a 'yes sir' as she quickly began live-streaming the lab onto the computer. Fury ignored the calls and questions that the Avengers threw his way and kept his eyes glued to the screen.

Fury silently cursed to himself as he watched Red walking back against one of the walls trying to create space between her and the Hulk. The Hulk just stood there watching her and just stepped closer. Red and the Hulk exchanged a few words before the Hulk lifted up a finger at Red. His lips moved but nothing followed.

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