4. Test tubes and chemicals

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The silence in the elevator suited them well surprisingly. Normally Red would try to talk to avoid the awkward silence, but this wasn't one of those times. She enjoyed it. Bruce wasn't much of a talker either so this silence comforted him. They stood next to one another while watching the numbers go from 20 to 18 to 14 and finally to the 8th floor. Bruce neatly folded up his sleeve towards his elbows as the elevator came to a stop. Red's eyes were locked onto his forearms gulping. She always had a thing for arms. Bruce stepped out of the elevator while Red trailed behind him letting out a wolf whistle. Bruce looked back at her confused but she wasn't looking anywhere near him. Her eyes scanned the lab in amazement.

"This is one of the nicest labs I've ever seen!" She called out breaking away from Bruce. She sped walked over to a ceiling-to-floor window that looked out to the city. She cooed out in amazement shocked that this was even a lab. The labs in her building were never this nice or this open. It honestly didn't feel like a lab. Bruce chuckled at her as she glued herself to the window.

"It's one of the best labs I've worked in, all thanks to Tony."

"Tony is the sugar daddy I'm assuming?" Red questioned jokingly as she looked back at him. Bruce let out a laugh as he shrugged on his lab coat that hung from the wall. Her eyes scanned the rest of the space noticing a very frequent pattern. Books, papers, whiteboards with numbers, and random beakers filled with fluids. Yup, this was an example of a hazardous lab!

"Sorry for the mess, I normally don't get visitors." He awkwardly smiles. Red giggled shaking her head

"No worries, my room is worse." he lets out a chuckle as he walks over to the back of the lab where the couch resides. Red walked over to one of the many tables that surrounded her and picked up one of the papers that were scattered. Her eyes skimmed the notes before letting out a loud snort that caught Bruce's attention. The paper was literally just filled with numbers and scribbles. Like, literal scribbles. It honestly, looked like a child did it. Bruce looked back at Red with a raised brow.

"I love the scribbles," She called out holding up the paper for Bruce to see. Bruce chuckled as a light blush stained his cheeks.

"Well, I am a doctor, we never had nice handwriting." She playfully rolls her eyes at the stereotypical excuse he lets out.

"My father would beg to differ." Bruce raised a brow as she set down the notes and began walking toward the back of the lab to him.

"Your father is a scientist?" She nodded with a large smile on her lips. She missed her dad dearly.

"He was." Bruce's smile faltered realizing her words. Was.

"I'm sorry." She waved him off before sitting down on the couch with a sigh.

"No worries, he died doing what he loved." She laid her head down against the small makeshift pillow Bruce set up before kicking off her combat boots revealing her demon-like hooves. Bruce's gaze locked onto her hooves causing her to giggle. He truly is a scientist. He looked back into her eyes noticing her gaze. He sucked in a deep breath as his ears began to turn a deep red. Red let out a soft giggle as a yawn followed behind.

"Thank you, Bruce, I really appreciate it." She hummed quietly. Her tail wrapped itself around her leg as she brought her knees up to her chest sleeping in a fetal position. A weird sleeping position but it was the only way she could defend herself in her sleep. It protects all the important vital organs. With a simple deep exhale the exhaustion slowly began to weigh her down as she closed her eyes. It's been more than 24 hours since my last nap. At this point, I need this nap. With one last exhale her body finally accepts the darkness.

Agent Red ⤀ Bruce Banner ✓ [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora