6. Brown

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A/N: (Bold and Italics = Hulk's thoughts, Italics = thoughts.)

A small groan filled the air as it slipped Bruce's chapped lips. He tossed and turned in his bed letting out more groans. His brain was pounding against his skull, his skin felt so feverish, and then he was hit with waves of nausea. Bruce's eyes snapped open as he slapped a hand over his mouth. Quickly sitting up he felt his stomach acid work its way up his throat. He swiftly grabbed his tin trashcan that sat near his bedside. Bruce emptied his dinner right into the bucket as his eyes filled with tears. It felt like he was throwing up for hours before letting out a tired sigh while he wiped away the vomit and spit residue with the back of his hand. Shit, I really need an Ibuprofen and a Zofran. 

"Do you need water?" Bruce jumped in fright looking over at the source of the voice not realizing someone was in the room with him, witnessing his nasty state. Red sat comfortably on the very stiff armchair that sat near his window. She wore a tired smile as she rested her head on her knee. Red is friend. Bruce couldn't stop the chuckle that left his lips. Hulk seems to like her.

"Yes and 3 ibuprofens please."

"You need food before you can take ibuprofen." Red shrugged off the blanket that wrapped around her to stretch. She lifted her arms over her head and began stretching the sleepiness away from her body.

A light blush stained his cheeks as he watched Red stretch. Now, Bruce respected everyone, and he was raised to never EVER sexual women. But... He couldn't stop himself... She was truly a beautiful creature. She dropped the blanket that rested around her shoulders exposing her new outfit. She wore a button-up purple dress shirt with a black sports bra under it with boxers. Her tail swayed freely as the boxers sat low on her hips. He licked his already chapped lips eyeing her down till he noticed. Bruce tilted his head to the side slightly confused as she walked over to a pile of medication, those clothes looked so familiar...

"Are you wearing my clothes?" Red thanked the gods silently for her naturally red skin. If it wasn't for that Bruce would've been able to see that blazing blush that stained her cheeks. She quickly grabbed a water bottle and smiled sheepishly at Bruce as she walked over to him.

"I hope you don't mind, I didn't really bring a pack of Pjs." Bruce suddenly felt hot. She handed Bruce the water bottle, he quickly grabbed the water bottle and popped off the cap chugging the water down. Red patiently watched him in case he needed the bucket again. Bruce finished the water within seconds and gasped out for a breath panting loudly. He never felt this type of heat before. It made his skin feel grossly sticky... It made him feel like a teenager again... No, I shouldn't be thinking this way, Red is only being nice, nothing more nothing less. Red let out a soft laugh before shaking her head.

"Thirsty I see." She plopped herself down on Bruce's bed right next to his legs before leaning back on her hands. Bruce slowly began to feel irritated by his feelings, he shouldn't be looking at her in that way. With his already pounding head and fever, he can't really deal with these feelings. Red's eyes wandered the room before she remembered what Fury told her.

"Oh, by the way," Bruce's eyes looked up at hers. Fuck, even her eyes are beautiful. He hissed to himself. He really was screwed. Pussy. Shit, even Hulk was laughing at his troubles.

Red sat up before leaning towards him oblivious to the fact that she was flashing the top of her boobs at him. Bruce swallowed down the lump in his throat as he forced his eyes to stay looking at hers. He would rather die than be caught staring at her tits.

"We all discussed the mission already. We're planning to leave in the next 16 hours." Bruce's eyes widen before looking to his bedside on his left. The digital clock read:

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