3. Smoke stained lips

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The tension in the room was so thick it felt like you were able to cut it with a knife. After Red stomped out of the room Fury kept his stare down at the book. The anger he felt was beyond natural. 

"I'm not sure what the fuck that was but that is the last time you hear me?" Fury spat towards Tony who flinched back at his words. Everyone felt the anger through his words. 

"She spent all 80 years of her life behind a big metal door hidden from the world while also fighting for it. Hell, you weren't even born yet and she already was the superhero you wished to be." Fury let out an angry huff before taking a deep breath. He lets out his shaky breath finally calming himself down to speak up again.

"The only time she was ever let out was for her missions... She never got to see the world you guys get to enjoy. The one time she did she was terrorized and attacked by many civilians, but do you think that stops her from helping them? No, she still saves them even if they hate her." 

"Even after they used her like a lab rat at such a young age she still fought for them." Bruce's breath hitched as he spoke. His heart tightened knowing the pain she must've felt, after all, he was once in her boots. No matter how many times he tries to better the image of the Hulk many still reject him. This only angers Hulk even more. People still don't see even him as a good guy, they just see a disgrace and an abomination.

"She may be the daughter of a demon, but she never chose the path given to her. She isn't an angel, but she isn't a demon either, she's just a normal girl." Tony kept his gaze down to his lap trying to avoid the stares of his teammates and of Fury. The guilt was already eating him up inside. He wasn't trying to be a dick, he was just trying to crack a joke. He didn't mean to hurt her feelings. 

Fury let out a sigh as he began gathering his files that were scattered around the table before speaking again.

"This was her first mission in the past 6 months. You should have seen the excitement that spilled from her when she heard she was getting to work with the Avengers she so highly heard about." Fury stands up and scans the eyes of the Avengers one last time shaking his head in shame.

"And you guys managed to cast her away within 30 minutes. Lost my one good eye." He shakes his head again gathers his things and heads towards the door.

"You're all dismissed."


Red's hair whipped around her face as she looked out at the city in front of her. Her legs dangled below as she sat near the edge of the rooftop. Her torn trenchcoat wrapped around her tightly as she shivered slightly while taking small puffs from her cigarette. The cigarette rested between the edge of her lips while she blew smoke out the other side of her mouth. New York truly must've hated her. She began recalling her past memory of being in the city and ended up getting a can of beer thrown at her head and now she just got thrown out by the so-called 'Earth's highest heros'. I guess New York isn't very welcoming towards me. 

Red let out an exhausted sigh as she pulled the cigarette from her lips and rested it between her fingers. She inhaled a deep taste of the nicotine as she leaned back to lie down on the gravel as her legs dangled.

"I wonder if Ab and Elizabeth fed my cats... Maybe I should call them." She mumbled to herself looking up at the dark pink and purple sky. 

Red kept her gaze up towards the sky as the cold air whipped around her. She shivered inhaling more smoke from her cancer stick to obtain some warmth. The silence felt heavy against her shoulders. Maybe she should just go home. Mannings was right, maybe I'm not ready for this, not after what happened. I should be mourning not working my ass off. 

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