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"Friend.... He's like a friend to me." you mumbled staring at him. He chuckled.

"What do you think I'm doing by keeping you at my house?" he questioned taking out a candy from his pocket and eating it.

"Are you kidding me? Can't you give me a candy too? Those are my favorites." you spat up. He gave you a dumb and confused look. He slowly took out another candy from his pocket and showed you.

You snatched it and ate it immediately. He watched amused, probably never expected you to put candy before yourself.

"Now answer my question." he demanded.

"It's because you're jobless useless crazy and an ass and jerk and Bastard an-"

"Woah woah there!!! That's enough I gues-"

"Enough because you're getting insulted? Haha, you're such an ass for real!"

"Shut up woman."

"I thought you loved me.."

"I can't help if you act annoying!"

"Annoying? Literally?? You don't love me at all!! Stop lying to yourself and me."

"Aww no I love you!" he mumbled pulling you into a hug. You scoffed. Just then you both heard a Ring. Maynard took out his phone from his pocket and answered the call, walking into the balcony. You just got down from the bed and started to check the drawers and cupboards. You heard a click and you turned around to see Maynard staring suspiciously at you.

"What are you doing?"he asked and you gulped.

"Nothing." that's all you said running your hand through your hair.

"The month is here." he spoke sitting on the bed.

"Huh? What month?" you questioned sitting beside him.

"The pride month?" he mumbled.

"Oh yeah...Are you gay?" you inquiried as he choked on air

"No I'm not."

"Why did you suddenly talk about the pride month?"

"Because I have to Make extra donations this month."

"Extra donations?"

"Yes..for the lgbtq+ people. Those who are not accepted by their own parents and society are accepted by me and my company. We give them shelter and food and other basic needs."

"Heyyy That's awesome!!" you spoke, impressed.

"I know!! The happiness in their eyes makes me so so happy!!" he spoke grinning.

"Does this only take place in the pride month? I think they should be accepted in the rest 11 months too. Just showing love for 1 month doesn't seem right to me." you spoke laying down on the bed. He laughed.

"Y/n don't worry don't worry. We aren't doing it just for a month. It's basically a project in our company that has been working since the past 37 years." he spoke laying beside you.

"37 years?!!" you questioned. shook.

"Yeah.. Even before I was born. My dad started it 37 years ago when he noticed how his gay friend was mistreated. He started it just for his friend and now it's helping so many others too. We make alot of monthly donations for them."

"Maynard....You've really impressed me so much. Never thought I would actually see rich people genuinely supporting the lgbtq+ without using it just for fame." He giggled and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"I love accepting people and giving them love." he spoke nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. You both Layed like that for a while.

You were still wondering how you felt so comfortable around him despite him kidnapping you. While others try to hurt their kidnappers and escape... Here you are, hugging your kidnapper. Wait....were you supposed to hurt him and escape too? There was a knife beside you on the table but you were contemplating your choices. He is so sweet and means no harm... It feels almost illegal to hurt him. But you can't be caged here forever. You just closed you eyes, trying to ease your mind.

Happy Pride Month Besties♡♡

Just to let y'all know

Waylen- Bisexual

Willow- Asexual

Cafe Manager- Lesbian(I haven't introduced her character yet)

Happy pride month to my lgbtq+ characters too♡♡


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