"I mean, you sure have seen girls- Not that I am calling you pervert- No, wait- I mean, you dated- Not like that-" I said, and midway I found his fingers pressed against my lips.

"Aren't you making so many assumptions for me?" Will said huskily.

"I am not judging you... It's just you look good, you have a woman ogling at you and- I am in lo-" I said without realizing what I was speaking.

Will inched way too close. Leaning all the way in, he stopped a mere few centimeters away from my lips, and I could see stars.

"Stop speaking." He whispered, and I could feel the warmth of his breath.

His lips opened on mine. The gentle touch of his warmth left wet and slow pecks on my lips. I found myself giving in. My hands around him, my lips kissing back, and my body needy of his touch. Fuck! All of it felt scary. I am in love with Will Turner. The realization hit me too hard to handle.

I pulled away and found Will startled.

"Are you okay?" He questioned, and I slapped his arm away.

"Don't touch me," I said hysterically.

"Okay," he said, his face dropped.

"I thought you were angry. We weren't talking. What's all this sudden kissing, huh?" I scoffed, surprised at my harsh tone.

"We just kissed. I am not mad anymore as long as you want to explain what happened between you and Josh. I saw him getting close. I-" Will said, enraged.

"I am not talking about it. You aren't my boyfriend." I said, sounding more rude than defensive.His eyes filled with worries.

"What do you mean? I am your hu-" He said and stopped midway.

He pressed me against the headboard of his bed. His hands held me against the frame as his eyes pierced into mine. I could feel him buried in my neck as his hands covered all of me. I could feel his breath against my bare skin. A thousand tiny tornadoes of desire squirmed through me. His cologne overpowered my senses. His fingers caressed my neck, traveling south, and I found myself clinging to him.

What was happening? I couldn't figure out a thing! He was driving me nuts.

When he pulled out of the hug, his eyes were wet and teary, and I found myself caressing his cheek softly, almost wanting to kiss away his tears. I didn't know why I was this way about him when I should be telling him off for touching me like that! Just, why? Because you want him silly! My heart talked sense, but I wasn't ready yet. Not yet. That's what I always told myself.

"Does this mean nothing to you? Don't you understand? I care for you!" He said, tears running across his cheeks as he moved my hand away.

'He is lying. He is already in love with someone...' Josh's words played in my head, and all my empathy vanished. He was lying. That wasn't real.

"Tell me the way out. I am leaving," I said, and he pointed towards the door.

"The change clothes are on the couch." He called out as I wrapped myself in his duvet.

"Why do you always let me go? I am tired of running away, but it drives me crazy when you let me run away!" I was fuming with rage, and to my surprise, his face softened.

"I am not letting you go. I am setting you free because you aren't someone I could tie down with me, even if I wished to." He said as his jaw clenched.

"Why would you keep me in the dark then? Josh wasn't lying when he said you love someone, was he?" I said, my eyes filled with tears.

"Some secrets are meant to stay secrets, Eva! What if I do love someone! It doesn't change a thing." Will said.

"It changes everything, every damn thing!" I said, gritting my teeth.

"It doesn't! Not if the person you love forgets your whole damn existence. It doesn't!" He screamed, kicking off his feet with anger as he stood.

"You're the Office Romeo? Aren't you? That guy in the notebook. It's you?" I gasped, full of horror and surprise.

He looked horrified, not saying a word.

"Answer me! I am just a rebound chic for you. Oh my God, that's why you hate Josh. Don't you? because he won't let me be with a half-ass jerk!" I said, covering my face in my palms as I almost tripped down on the edge of the bed.

"No, no!" Will yelled.

"The bucket list- I am your friend...That was all bullshit. You lied to me."

His cheeks were wet with tears as he inched closer to me. I felt like the worm on the fish hook.


He took my palm and placed it against his chest. I could feel the warmth of his bare skin. My eyes filled with tears as I stared at him, crying.

"Eva, I- I am sorry for not being the most honest in the past few days. I- Let's say that love knocked me down, and now I like how I tumble, almost as if I am soaring without wings. Eva, I love you. I do. With all my fucked up heart, I love you!" Will said, and I could feel myself tremble at the words.

He said that he loved me? After all this time, he was lying and pretending to care; how could I take him at his word?

"Really? After lying to me?"


"You played me into signing that NDA! I can't believe it!" I said, sobbing.

"Eva, trust me. I love you." He said.

"But I don't! I hate you. I hate you, Will Turner!" I yelled, wiping the tears off my face as I slipped away from his gaze.

I changed into a pair of flannel shorts and a Yankees jersey. It smelt of him, but now it didn't matter. I hate Yankees! When I left Will's apartment at Fourth Street, I knew three things:

1) He lived in a nice place

2) No matter what he says, he is lying.

3) I could never get over his all-too-real kisses and the fact I had fallen for him.

Two silly people and all this fuss called love, that's what it takes to make a life a lot more tolerable. But when there are lies involved, there's no love. Sorry, Mikhail, I couldn't confront love when it was lying. I couldn't, and I wouldn't. 

As I walked down the street, I could feel the rainwater spluttering on the sidewalks with every passing motor vessel. So much for going along with a ride. So much for being in love with a lie! Tears rushed down my cheeks. Goddammit! I missed him already.

 Goddammit! I missed him already

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