Chapter 6

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"I'll go with you"

Lan Zhan hadn't expected Wei Ying to agree so easily, he was about to say something. but, Wei Ying beat him to it. "No, I mean, that was a mistake. Listen here Hanguang-jun, I will not go anywhere and especially not with you, so, don't waste time and leave" Wei Ying said coldly. Although he sounded cold and emotionless, his emotions and thoughts were all messed up, Lan Zhan's heart hurt when he heard 'especially not with you'.

I wish I really could go back with him. But, I can't. I'm not alone now, I have a child growing in me and I can't afford to risk its life, too. Who knows, what if this is some kind of trap for me? Di- Before he could complete his thoughts, Lan Zhan spoke again. "Wei Ying please come back, I love you, I know I messed up big time. I'll do anything to make it up to you, just name it and I'll try my be- no no, I will do it" he pleaded. Wei Ying sighed, "Hanguang-jun, i only ask one thing from you, stay away from me and my friends" Without waiting for a response he turned around and walked back inside and shut the door with a bang.

Lan Zhan didn't bother wiping the tears away. Feeling dejected he walked back to Cloud Recesses. "I won't give up Wei Ying. I'll get you back soon, you and our child.

Back at Cloud Recesses

Lan Xichen had just finished a cup of tea and thought of checking on his baby brother, he should be up by now. He walked fast, but, it seemed so long before he finally got to the Jingshi. He didn't know why, but, he was having a bad feeling about going in, he took a slow breath and exhaled feeling slightly better. He knocked on the door, "Wangji?" he waited a few seconds and just as he was about to knock again, Lan Zhan slowly opened the door. He moved aside to let his brother in, shutting the door.

Both brothers sat in silence for a few minutes. Xichen sighed, knowing Lan Zhan wouldn't say anything, he decided to start the conversation.He spoke carefully, all the while looking at his baby brother "Wangji, how are you feeling, now?" No response at all, just looked down and stared at the table.

Only minutes ago Xichen had recieved a letter from Jiang Cheng that some low level corpses were spotted between the border of Yunmeng and Gusu attacking some civilians, but, had been handled. This made him wonder if there was another person who was using resentful energy. He couldn't help, but, wonder that if there really was another demonic cultivator then they needed Wei Wuxian's help to beat this person, but, how? The only chance they had at bringing Wei Wuxian back was Wangji. He did feel guilty for using his baby brother's feelings and emotions when he was already hurting so much, but, he had no other option. He had also spoken to Qiren and he had agreed to it.

He tried again, "Wangji, I've been thinking and noticed something strange, and I thought we should probably look deeper into the attack, and certain events occurred in the last hour or so. I think there may be another demonic cultivator out there. So, if my theory is right then we might be able to prove Wei Gongzi's innocence" At this Wangji's head shot up, eyes full of hope. "I have also spoken to Uncle, too and he agreed"

"Xiongzhang, you're serious?" Lan Zhan asked almost crying and moving closer to hug his brother, he needed it, Xichen held him close stroking his hair like a child's. "Yes Wangji, I am serious." Xichen said smiling softly, but, inside it hurt, because, his baby brother needed him right now and here he was using his brother's love for Wei Wuxian for his own purpose. "Wangji, please get some sleep and we'll find a way to sort everything out tomorrow."With that they pulled away from each other and Xichen left.

Lan Zhan was a little relieved that atleast his family believed in him, but, little did he know what lay ahead, waiting for him. He slept then, eagerly waiting for tomorrow to come as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading this book and voting for it. I hope you're enjoying and always feel free to give feedback in the comments. <3

I'll try to post another chapter today, if not will do by tomorrow:))

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