Chapter 2

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The dog's teeth sank deeper into his arm, he tried to scream, but, nothing came out, only fast, heavy and scared breaths. Wei Ying didn't think he could make it out safe and he finally gave up. The creak of a door was the last thing he heard before passing out.

Wei Ying could hear faint voices, as though he was underwater. He tried to open his eyes, when he did; he realized there was nobody there. Everything was blurry, but, it slowly became clear. He looked around, he was still in the cell with the dog, only this time it was sitting in the far corner not caring about him. Then he felt a pain shoot up his right arm, so painful that he couldn't breathe for a moment and fell back down. When he looked down at it, he saw that it had been wrapped in bandages.

The cell door was opened with a bang and he was dragged out by two people, they were too strong to resist, that's when he noticed their uniforms, they were Lan disciples. So, Lan Zhan knows about this? No, he probably doesn't, he wouldn't have allowed this if he knew. Or does he know? Just the thought made his heart clench painfully.

He was dragged into the main hall where clan leaders and some disciples of all clans were gathered, to decide Wei Ying punishment.

Wei Ying looked up slowly and saw everybody staring at him with hatred and disgust, but, he didn't care. All he wanted to know was what Lan Zhan thought of him now, so he looked at the man he loves. Lan Zhan looked the same as always, but, Wei Ying could see the pain, hatred and anger brewing in his eyes and felt his heart break a little. Suddenly, he felt a little dizzy, but, he shook it off.

Lan Qiren stepped forward and cleared his throat. "I will now announce the punishment for Wei Wuxian, who tried to kill a clan leader." Please no more dogs, Wei Ying thought. Lan Qiren continued, "Although temporary, we have gotten rid of Wei Wuxian's resentful energy for the time being. He can get back in the right path if he wishes to, but, everybody is to ignore his existence, but, at any point of time if anybody in any way feels he's a threat or is planning something vicious," Qiren gave a pause and stroked his beard, "you are to kill him on the spot" he finished. Wei Ying almost wanted to laugh, but, didn't have the strength. He wanted Lan Zhan to believe him and not those made up lies. "Lan Zhan" he called softly with what energy he had left. Lan Zhan didn't respond, Wei Ying tried again; ignored again. He let out a soft, tired breath and called again, sounding broken, "Lan Zhan please" he heard Lan Zhan draw in a breath, then turn towards Wei Ying and reply emotionlessly.


Wei Ying looked Lan Zhan straight in the eye and said, "Lan Zhan, it wasn't me. I would never stab Xichen- ge, you have to believe me." Lan Zhan only said one thing, "Leave if you do not wish to meet your end now" his tone left no place for argument. Something slashed down on Wei Ying's back making him go flying, it was Zidian. From the corner of his eye he saw Xichen trying to calm down Jiang Cheng, who suddenly screamed at Wei Ying "How many more people's lives do you want?!" Slash! "Was my family's lives not enough?!" Slash! "And all those people at Nightless City!" Slash! "I wish my father had never saved you!" A final Stroke!

Wei Ying kept quiet, wanting to leave. Suddenly, his stomach started to hurt, unbearably, but, he didn't show it, he saw Chenqing thrown on the ground, he picked it up and walked away, but, just before stepping out he turned around and said, "I love you, Lan Zhan. I will always love you, but, regardless of how much I love you, I will never come back. Also know this, one day you will know the truth and reach out to me, but, you'll be too late then" He gave Lan Zhan a watery smile and left before anybody could see the tears. He kept thinking of happy times and good things, to make all the pain go away. Once he was outside and far from Gusu, he rested against a tree. Just when he closed his eyes, he heard a soft voice.

"A- Ying"

So, who do you think it is??

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