Chapter 19: Two Izuku?!

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After taking off his mask to reveal his face in the classroom as it filled with surprises, "DEKU, YOU HAVE A BROTHER?!" Uraraka yelled to the displeasure of both green beans as they felt like their ears had received permanent damage. Izuku was at a loss for words, as much as the rest of the class. Nezu and Aizawa were running through the past events when they thought they saw the green bean at various locations and time, which is now adding up if there were two Izuku, but there were two of them. Nezu was the most confused out of them all as he had done thorough background checks of all the students that had applied to UA, which did include Izuku as it didn't mention any siblings since he was an only child.

Izuku became more confused after Uraraka's reaction as he started to panic sweat and looking around frantically, seeing his distress Izushi made an advance similar to what he did at the mall. Swiftly moved towards Uraraka as he held one hand behind his back, and another slightly lifting up her chin, "Pretty little doll, would you mind calming down?", he said in a seductive manner. Izushi then moved towards the other girls and performed a similar action to which they all blushed madly at the lookalike Deku.

Once the girls had calmed down and were bewitched by the lookalike action, Izushi moved back in front of Izuku as the boy gulped not knowing what was about to happen. Izuku was held in a hug with one arm, while the other also lifted up his chin much like the girls as the two faces close up together in an almost kiss like manner, the girls watching and a certain boy hearts were thumping loudly as they see a bundle of roses in a heart shape frame formed around the faces of the two Dekus'. Izuku didn't realize what had just occurred, but felt the same excitement as he felt when Kacchan received those punishments earlier, Izuku blushed redder than a perfectly ripened strawberry, as steam can be seen being emitted from his face.

After holding his double in that position for a few seconds as the girls were enjoying themselves in all kinds of fantastical thoughts, he let go of Izuku as he quickly held his face and tried to look away in embarrassment. "You want some too, candy cane?" a husky seductive voice reaches Todoroki's eardrums, too slow to respond as Todoroki was held in a similar position except he was leaning back as if the two were in a dance together while Todoroki was only being held up by Izushi's arm holding on his back. Both faces were close together, chin lifted, seductive tone spoken, Todoroki was overwhelmed with emotions that he hadn't figured out, all he knew was that he liked where this was going. Noises came from the watchers as the show seemed to be intensifying, heart eyes were pulsating from the girls. Moving closer, "I know more about your body, then you... Todoroki." he whispered quietly enough so that nobody else including Jiro could hear.

Releasing the poor boy as his heart was racing and excitement close to his limit, Izushi took a step back and enjoyed all the students' reaction as some of the boys whistled at the lad and lass killer. All the while a grapist was fuming that he wished he could get away with doing all that and have the girls basically fighting over the little grapist. Heading back towards the window as he leaned against it, Izushi let the class process everything that had just transpired in front of them.

The first one to snap back into reality was Uraraka as he wanted an answer for her previous question as both Dekus' yelled in denying the fact that they are siblings, to which Izuku looked back at Izushi. "But.. you two are related right?" Momo asked, as Izuku was confused since he thought he had just answered the question; it was then that Izushi raised his voice, "We're not siblings, but he and I are the same person.". Imaginary question marks rose over everyone's head as their facial expression showed confusion over what he meant, but Nezu cog was running rapidly as he was trying to do every possible calculation as to why there were Izukus in front of him.

"Are you perhaps a Izuku from a different world, Mr. Izushi?" Nezu happily asked as he believed this was the most likely scenario. A happy smile crept itself onto Izushi face, "The Chimera never disappoint my expectation regardless where I am.". His response was the answer that Nezu was seeking which only added more confusion to the entire room including the very tired Aizawa. Upon hearing that the stranger who looked like Izuku had come from an alternative universe, the class exploded in a barrage of various questions. Not wanting to deal with that right now, Izushi used his quirk to shut their traps, as the students tried to open their mouths or make noises, but were unable. "Ah, peace and quiet once again. I'll answer 3 questions, now go and discuss it with your indoor voices please. Oh and that is three questions for all the students, Nezu and Aizawa get 2, and Izuku get 3 for a total of 8, ok?". Izushi was given a bit of time as he just observed the class looking between him and Izuku over and over, he wondered if he should just tell them everything or not.

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