Chapter 12: Masked Hunter 2/2

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 The day has come, the police found the location of the LOV base. A press conference was being held by UA as the police and heroes were about to be ready to launch their raid to rescue the student. All Might being particularly pissed off at the unsettling feeling of someone he hoped was dead might turn out to really be alive after all. Bakugo was still stubbornly resisting the villain's coercion in switching sides as Tomura was seriously losing his patience and the members were losing faith in their so-called "Leader".

The operation began with the knocking of an unknown pizza delivery at the villain's bar, as moments after a massive breach was made. The heroes who in their preplanned setup, expertly restrained all the villains within seconds of the operation starting as the villains were all caught off guard. For the moment, the heroes thought they had won, however shortly after a black goo spurted out from all the villains and one hostage, consuming them as they were whisked away while being replaced with inferior nomus in their stead. Great panic spread from inside the bar as the heroes attempted to combat the monsters, All Might who attempted to rescue Bakugo was just a moment too late causing him to scream at the top of his lungs at his failure. This black goo he knew all too well, as it was the last confirmation he needed to know that; that man was back and is alive after all.

At the secondary raid location, disaster came as a massive blast came out of the nomu factory which was located in the Kamino Ward. The scared shitless students of UA who were nearby as they witnessed the figure who was filled with such heavy malice made it way out of the carnage as the top heroes were blown away from his single attack as if they were simply dust he was patting off of his suit. Mere moments as the man came out of the rubble, the LOV appeared from his gray portal as they each had a small discussion with each other. Shortly a large impact was made from a huge figure landing near them. This figure, All Might in complete rage as he sees his arch nemesis still alive and feels the pain from the injury he took from their fight from last time.

Unsure what to do the students watch as the scene unfolds, Izuku who quickly realizes that All Might was holding back tries to hatch a plan to get them and Bakugo out of the situation so All Might can fight at his fullest. However his thought and discussion with his classmates was interrupted by a menacing masked figure standing behind him. Unable to move as they felt his presence and not willing to look up as both the pressure emitted from the figure and the man that All Might was fighting was far too intense for the inexperienced students to handle. Feeling that they were about to die, and unable to move out of pure agonizing fear, the masked man spoke up, "You kids want to get that kid back?".

Such a casual speaking tone in that deep voice and in that super sinister looking villain outfit gave the students all sorts of conflicting signals. "Relax, if I was your enemy your head would have been rolled already." he said so plainly while giving a few chuckles as he enjoyed their perplexed reaction. After a few moments, Izuku managed to recompose himself and took a risk asking the dangerous looking figure. To the students' surprise, the stranger offers them a plan similar to what Izuku would have come up with.

As the fighting dragged on with All Might being unable to fight at full strength, the complete recklessness of his protege and students came blasting into the air out of nowhere as he did not realize they were even there to begin with, seeing Bakugo launched himself and the kids all got away safely All Might was pumped and ready to give it his all as other heroes showed their support for him from all around which also include the loud voices all across Japan yelling his name.

As the fight continued, both sides seemed to be even, until All Might had reached his limit being unable to fight much more he reverted to a weak looking skeleton like figure that many were shocked to see. The villain AFO taunted the all mighty no.1 Hero, as this was the man's true form and revealed who Tomura really was, shocking the hero for his utter failure as an apprentice to his master.

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