Chapter 2: Money Problem

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 Realizing that he is in fact, not dreaming that he is in another world that was very similar to his own world, but from years ago. Our mysterious teen started to take his situation more seriously, which meant he needed a place to stay and the ability to obtain food, all of which meant he needed money. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't have a wallet or even an ID with him. However, there was an abundance of nobodies who hung out in the shadow of the various alley ways.

Approaching a group of what seem to be lowlife petty criminals, the teen put up an innocent act of the person he used to be, before things happened. The three lowlife attention was baited. Getting straight to the point, the teen asked, "How much money you guys got?" as he was already tired of pretending to be nice. The lowlife was taken aback, but grew a spine to bark back. Sighing, the teen expression became razor sharp piercing the three in front of him with great amount of danger. "I asked, if you have any money,,, well do you?" He tried playing nice again.

"Who the fuck are you brat, we ain't scare of one shorty green hair shit stain!." one of the crooks yelled. The teen simply smiled at the provocation, "Well, I guess I was going to find out either way." he said. "What ar-" the other crook with a beanie on tried to say, but a hand grasped his face. In the next moment his head and body started to shrivel up like the mouse from before. The other two seeing this tried to scream for help despite being criminals, but the teen was quick on his feet. Letting go of the corpse as it turned to dust, he grasped both of the other crooks and did the same.

Finishing executing the three lowlife in perfect secrecy, the teen searches through the article of clothing that had remained after the corpse was disintegrated. Finding three wallets filled with cash of presumably innocents who were mugged by them from the night before, filled the teen with glee.


Izuku sitting in his bed as he received the result from the entrance exam, he played the disc to find out he was accepted into UA. Feeling on cloud 9, he celebrated with his mother, and later that day with All Might.

On the news in the street somewhere, a report was playing about a drug cartel that had mysteriously vanished, and only found out because of a police raid in the location. The reporter stated that all the people seemed to vanish as if they were there in one moment, and gone the next. The reporter then stated that the police found all the drugs were left behind, but all liquid assets were gone without a trace just like the criminals. It was surmised that this was the work of a vigilante, but one that nobody has heard about. The teen who was listening to the report with some bystanders, left smiling. The teen now heading to his new home, a fancy apartment just for him, filled to the brim with luxurious food that he had shopped earlier.  

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