Chapter 11: Masked Hunter 1/2

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 After meeting the person who was supposed to be his biological mother for the first time ever, even though she really wasn't her. The teen by the name of Izushi felt that there was a connection between them for some unknown reason, not really understanding his feeling towards the woman's kindness, he felt an urge to accept her invitation to come back and have a taste of her cooking.

The discussion the two made was filled with many different things, to the point of him also admitting that he isn't supposed to be in this world, but never mentioned the atrocities he had committed in his original world in fear it would frighten the plump cheerful lady. There was times during their discussion that in the back of his mind was yelling at himself to "shut the fuck up", however he ignored it and continues to talk about things he never thought he would. He was opening up to someone that seemed to genuinely cared for him which was the first in his life.

A few days had passed since the two first met, he hadn't made any contact back to her. However, as one day he was watching the news he noticed the event of the kidnapping had occurred similar to his world, however the difference was that loud pomeranian he met on the street that one time. Izushi recounts the Sport Festivals which did mention he was part of the same class as Izuku. Despite his brief talk with Inko, she expressed her worry about her son's well being as he was too reckless about his own health. She gently asked if he would look out for him for her, which he begrudgingly agreed at the time since it felt like it was a natural thing to do.

Trying to remember the event accurately from his world of when it would have taken the police to respond. He decided he should probably intervene as the way Inko described her son's action would likely mean he would do something to save this kid from the LOV. Getting up from his comfortable couch, he went to put on his custom made outfit, with a mask to boot that completely covered his face, but can augment at his command to open an eye socket or reveal his mouth. The costume also came with a voice augmentor, it was greatly reinforced by titanium alloy and titanium threads. The outfit also held a few hidden weapon compartments such as small firearms or some explosive such as grenades.

Once geared up and having his identity concealed, he moved out into the night. On his outing with his strange, and very sinister looking outfit, he was being followed by an underground hero who was looking for ways to find his missing student. Instead of speaking up, the hero launches his steel fiber scarfs at the masked figure in an attempt to quickly subdue him. However the figure seemingly predicted his attack and stealthy presence. Casually dodging the attack and both now standing still on a building, however the masked figure back was towards the hero as he spoke out, "Not very hero-like you to strike a stranger without asking them of their intention now is it?" The masked figure spoke in a deep voice with a hint of sarcasm mixed in. "Since I haven't done anything wrong, and you seem to be in a rush looking for that kid that went missing... isn't that right Eraserhead?" he continued as if he was hinting he knew something which he did, but not for the reason that Eraserhead was thinking.

Eraserhead who upon hearing the mention of his hero name was taken aback a bit as most villains or vigilante would not know the man, let alone seemingly have such quantity of information as such information was typically deleted off the web by the hero association to keep such underground hero as far away from the public eyes as possible. Seeing the hero in a bit of a daze for a moment, Izushi took the chance and moved away at an extremely fast pace, and vanished from the man's view.

The next day, police had found multiples gruesome murders of several criminals within the area that Eraserhead was patrolling during the night. Most of the injuries seem to be bite marks as chunks of flesh were removed from the victims and some corpses seem to have shriveled up until there was only a husk remain of the victims. A major investigation was underway as police attempted to find the culprit responsible for this nightmare scenario, however some speculated it was the work at a possible new nomu was unleashed by the LOV.

Seeing the news from underneath his mask, just put a smile on his face as he was just causing mysterious chaos all over Japan all from vanishing cartels to gruesome murders that nobody heard at night. Now feeling charged up again he was ready to meet his "old man".

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