"I just want you to know that I only want you and no one else. I just don't know how to prove that to you."

"Your actions and I'm sure you'll follow through." I squeezed her hand. "I love and trust you, Acacia."

Acacia gave me a soft smile and leaned in, so I closed the gap and connected our lips. Acacia went to pull back, but I held her head in place. I kissed her with so much emotion, so she'd understand how I really felt about her. I felt tears, causing me to sadly smile. I kissed away her tears and held her close.

"What's this?" We looked up to see Yeira. She grabbed a scone and ate it. "Yuck!" She spat it out. "It's so dry."

"What are you doing here?" I aggressively asked.

"Inviting you to the show tonight."

"What show?" Acacia wondered.

"My show to win back Hana."

"Have you spoken to Dr.Linda about this?" She nodded. "And what did she say?"

"That it sounds insane, which means it's outside the box." Yeira proudly spoke. "I'll be performing it in one hour. I expect to see you there." She flitted away.

"Part of me wants to spite her and not go, but the other part is curious about how she can continuously fuck up." Acacia faced me.

"That's the same dilemma I'm under." I chuckled. "I don't have any plans in an hour."

"Neither do I." She laughed. "Want to watch Yeira make a fool of herself?"

"Nothing could make me smile more." I kissed her.


Acacia and I brought popcorn to watch Yeira fail on stage. The only thing that made this somewhat palpable was the small audience. It seems she limited her trainwreck to people she knew and not the entire student body. Eris was in the first row and looked to be excited. Acacia rolled her eyes and threw popcorn at her sister's head.

"What?!" Eris turned around.

"What's got you all smiley?" Acacia rolled her eyes.

"I'm not missing this failure. I'd pay for this if I had to. Get a seat because this one is mine."

"Any idea what she's doing?" Hana walked in with mum.

"I'm at a loss." Mum sighed. "How are you doing by the way?"

"I'm doing fine. Zena's looking out for me, so that's a plus." Hana responded.

Acacia's friends soon found us and expressed their confusion. It didn't take long for the lights to dim. Lexi walked on stage and greeted everyone. Who gave the go ahead for this project? I'm sure maman is regretting making Lexi be Yeira's guardian. They're both idiots. Hailey sat in my lap, making Acacia roll her eyes.

Lexi concluded her introduction and directed everyone's attention to the curtains. Lexi then flitted away and opened the curtains. She then flitted upstairs and manned the lights. Damn, this is a really low budget play.

Yeira then walked onto the stage, with terrible makeup. It made her look like she was crying. Yeira then tripped to the ground and held her chest while silently crying. She then rolled around in agony and thrashed her limbs around.

"Is this supposed to be a silent play?" Hailey whispered.

"More like an embarrassment to fine arts." Acacia snarked.

Yeira slowly got up and grabbed a cape that Lexi flung at her. She pulled it around her shoulders and creepily walked around.

"My name is evil Addison." Yeira made her voice deeper. "And I've come to steal your mate!"

She's the Devil in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now