I didn't give a fuck at this point in my life not for my piece of shit mother or my even bigger piece of shit father who both took on the roll of not caring.
Rose was different though I wanted to keep her close to me and never let go.

This was bad...So fucking bad.
I couldn't be this consumed by her already. I barely know her. In all honesty she probably hates me. I may have apologized for being a dick but I knew more than anyone it didn't excuse my actions.
I drummed my fingers along the table in thought. Okay it's been way too fucking long.
What the hell do girls even do in the bathroom ?

How long does it take to clean up a stain ? Thats when I see Ashley round the corner and leave the hallway her and Rose went in from. She had a satisfied smirk plastered across her face and she walked confidently before slamming open the kitchen doors.

Why the hell is she so smug ?

Fuck it.

I shoot up out of where im sitting ignoring the looks my sudden outbursts receives I storm over to the dim hallway leading to the restroom. My feet stomp across the marbled polished floor but right before I reach the door that's when I hear it the soft sniffling and slow intakes of breath.

What the fuck ? I feel my heart drop to the floor and my pulse speed up.

I hurry my steps to the front of the door and slam that shit open...Fuck being a gentleman.

My eyes dart directly in front of me as if they knew exactly where to point to taking in the heart-wrenching sight of Rose on the floor leaning against the black accented wall. I take a few hesitated steps towards her as if I was just imagining everything in front of me. At least thats what I wanted...to be imagining this.

Rose slowly lifts her head up I take in the sight of her flushed cheeks and bloodshot red eyes. What the fuck even happened. I take another tentative step towards her. She begins to scramble back a little more as if she could go into the wall making herself even smaller.

"Please" I hear her whimper. My jaw clenches and my hands fist on instinct. What the actual fuck happened here she was just fine.

I eliminate the distance between us and slowly bend down. I reach my hand out and hesitate before gently touching her flushed cheek.

I hear the soft sigh she lets out and I use that as my cue to inch closer to her.

Her big brown eyes locked with mine as she pressed her cheek against the palm of my hand resting on her cheek.

Fuck she looked defeated...

"What happened Rose ?" I say to her in a soft voice that I force because I all I want to do is scream and fucking choke the shit out of whoever did this to her.

And I'm pretty fucking sure I knew who...

"C-could you please take me home ?" She practically whispers ignoring my question.

I wouldn't force her. I'd fucking find out what about that bitch did to her in my own way...

"Yeah baby...I'll take you home." I say to her in a low voice while reaching out to help her up.

I wasn't fucking taking her home but she could think that for a while.

I wrap my hand around her waist and lift her up slowly.

I try to tighten my grip on her the front of her stomach but she whimpers softly.

"Pain" She whispers.

Fucking hell... the idea of Ashley hurting Rose or anyone hurting rose had me burning up inside.

She slowly straightens herself out but not before falling halfway into me again from the pain.

"Sorry" She mutters clearly embarrassed.

She shouldn't be embarrassed. I just wanted to know what the fuck happened.

She was walking slowly and had basically put her whole body weight onto mine.

I didn't mind though...

I debated just picking her up bridal style but then I thought about maybe she would be uncomfortable with my touch. She probably didn't want me touching her more than I had too.

I slowly walked her out the restaurant through the arrays of tables and chattering people. I fucking glared at anyone who dared look at her the wrong way.

We reached the entrance and I opened it up with one hand walking the both of us out of that shithole.

I'd be back though. Ashley and I were going to have quite the conversation...

I wasn't sure what the fuck had happened in that bathroom but I'm sure Ashley did some shit and i'm going to find out exactly what.

If that cunt valued her life even just a little bit she'd confess...I had a couple ideas in mind.

I'm a sick fuck I know...but she hurt Rose

I know she did.

I hold Rose's small body close to mine as I opened the passenger door to my car slowly and she slowly slid inside onto the seat gripping her stomach and tilting her head back against the headrest.

I clenched my fists together.

Don't get mad

Don't get mad

Don't get mad

Don't get mad

I was going to fucking kill someone.

Word count: 1462

Thank you guys so much for reading.

A little something to say...I can't post on my tiktok and i'm so upset because I did get a lot of recognition on this book and now my reads are going down. I will continue to post updates here of course but it was a setback that made me a little sad...okay fine a lot sad. I'll push through though it's just hard when there's no motivation.

Leave your suggestions and thoughts...I literally love reading them.

Sorry for the late updates btw im tryin besties...❤️❤️

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