Chapter 18- Can't Fall Asleep

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CW: Blood/ Anxiety
Chapter 18- Can't Fall Asleep
Vic's POV:

It was dark out, and I was cold. I couldn't get up to my car, and god I felt so sick. My whole body ached, all I wanted was Kellin. I began to cry again, and my chest hurt badly when I did. I coughed, spitting out more blood on myself. I wanted to stay alive for Kellin, for Audrey. I groaned and tried to lay down on the pavement. I found myself shivering, and I felt a wet spot on my head. I touched it and saw the blood on my fingers. I whined, even though I knew that would get me nowhere. I saw headlights coming toward me, and I screamed and backed up instantly. I didn't want to get any more hurt from him, I just wanted this over. Someone should just kill me before it hurts more. I sobbed, rocking myself back and forth while my breathing became shallow. I heard people talking, but I recognized the voices.

"Vic oh my god..." Jaime mumbled as he grabbed what I was assuming was his phone to call an ambulance.

Tony walked over to me, and I just nuzzled into his chest instantly. I started to cry, and he rubbed my back. "K K Kellin, w w wheres Kellin."

"He will be here soon it's okay we got you, Vic, I promise," Tony says to me calmly.

I nodded, and Jaime wiped some of the blood off of me. He and Tony were talking, but I could not comprehend anything. My eyes started to get heavy, and then I passed out again.

Kellin's POV:

I rushed into the hospital and gave Jack my daughter as I frantically ran through the ER trying to find Vic.

"VIC?" I screamed looking around as fast as I could. I felt people staring, but I didn't care. I needed to know if he was okay, I needed him to be alive. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, and I nearly jumped three feet up.

"Kellin calm down, it's just me," Jaime said.

I nodded, and I walked over to Vic. It was bad, he didn't look too good. His head was bloody, I saw a visibly broken ankle, and he had internal bleeding from what I could see. I hated myself for being mad at him today, I should have been more worried. I wish I could have changed this, it was all my fault.

I was about to reach for his hand, but that was when the doctors pulled me away.

"Kellin we need to take him into surgery we will update you as soon as we can," The doctor said pushing his bed away from me.

I didn't get to kiss him goodbye, I didn't get to hold his hand. What was going on, we were just laying in bed in the morning with our daughter how could this all happen. Then I felt another hand on my shoulder, and I saw the cops near me.

"Mr. Quinn we need to ask you a few questions," They said to me.

I looked at Jaime anxiously, and I walked away from the cops to go back to Audrey.

"He is processing this let him be," Jaime said as he walked out with me and Tony to the waiting room. I sat down, completely numb because I could barely comprehend everything that was happening. I began to cry a little bit, but I got up before anyone noticed. I walked outside and looked up crying. I let out a sob, I haven't felt this scared before. I sat on a bench, in the pouring rain not even caring about getting drenched. I must have been there for a while because then I heard Jack running to me.

"Kellin oh god, you shouldn't be out here. Let's get you inside, you can go see Vic now," He smiled.

I nodded shivering, and I walked into the hospital. I changed out of my wet clothes before I saw him, and the doctors gave me a blanket to keep me warm. Jack helped me into the room, and I already saw Tony and Mike asleep on the couch with Audrey laying on Tony's chest. I cried when I saw him, he was so bruised. I know I should be strong, but I couldn't see him like this. I cried as I sat next to him, and Jack rubbed my back comforting me. Vic was still asleep, and I wanted him comfortable. I let Jack sleep on the couch, and I laid my head on the side of Vic's bed crying. I was terrified because I didn't know if he would wake up. He better wake up, I need him here with me. I was crying so hard, my eyes were heavy. I fell asleep, resting my head on the side of his hospital bed.

Vic's POV:

I had no idea where I was, it was so bright. The room smelt like rubbing alcohol, and I didn't like the feeling of paper on me. I blinked a little bit, and I glanced at the clock reading 4 in the morning. I whined a little, and then I saw Kellin sleeping with tears all over his face on the side of my bed. I felt so bad for putting him through this, he didn't deserve any of this. I played with his hair until my hand cramped up from my tense muscles. I whined, and I felt him move slightly. He rubbed his eyes and looked up at me tearing up again.

"Oh god," I mumbled starting to cry at the same time as him.

"Shhh I'm here," he mumbled as he got into bed with me. I moved my body so I was cuddling with him, and he held me stroking my hair to calm me down. He was so sweet, too sweet for this world. I coughed and cried more into his chest. I was scared, I felt his heart racing and I knew he was too.

"Mhm Kels I love you so much," I mumbled.

"And I love you so much, but if you ever put me through that again Vic I swear," He cried kissing me deeply.

I nodded and stayed close to him clinging to him tightly. He helped me drink some water, and he rubbed my back making sure I was feeling comfortable. I fell asleep, resting in his arms as I always did.

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