Chapter 3- She Means The World To Me

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Chapter 3- She Means The World To Me

Song Credit: Free Now By Sleeping With Sirens

Kellin's POV:

– Flashback 2 years ago –

I felt so guilty, I couldn't do anything about it. I was holding my newborn daughter in my arms, in my friend's apartment without anything. We barely even knew each other, and we had this baby. I knew she never loved me anyway, but she just pretended to stay with me so I could take care of our daughter so she could leave. Why did she have to die though? I didn't want Audrey to have to grow up without a mother. I barely had any parent figures in my life, they either misunderstood me or left. I held her close to my chest and rubbed her back as she slept. I was glad I was able to get her the stuff she needed, I just had to work on getting us a living situation. I was thankful Jack was willing to take us in, I was lucky. I had known him for years, we were going to have a band with a few other friends I just couldn't anymore. Audrey means the world to me, she needs me. I wanna make things better for her sake. She began to cry, and I tried to quiet her down. I rocked her in my arms and tried to get her to be quiet.

"Shhhh shhh... it's okay Daddy's here it's okay," I cooed trying to calm her down.

She must have sensed my heightened anxiety at the moment because that made her start to scream and whine. I was crying too, I felt like a failure of a father because I couldn't even calm my daughter down. She deserved better than me, everyone deserved better than me.

"I'm so sorry Audrey," I cried holding her close.

She somehow stopped crying, and just rested her head on my shoulder and put her hand on there. I smiled, wiped my eyes, and kissed her forehead.

"Let's go on a walk, clear our heads," I whispered to her.

I grabbed my jacket and then swaddled Audrey in a blanket since I wanted her to be warm. It was a short walk anyways, I just wanted to be outside with her. The sun was shining on us as I ended up sitting outside on a park bench. I looked down at Audrey, as she slept peacefully. I realized I should probably take her inside since she was sleeping, so I waited to cross to the sidewalk. I started walking once it cleared, but someone pulled me back as a car sped past me out of nowhere. I held onto Audrey tight, and I looked at the man who pulled me back. He was around my age, and his caramel brown hair and dark brown eyes. I gasped, and he looked at me probably in shock he just saved mine and my daughter's life.

"Are you okay?" He asked me to put his hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, and he smiled at me.

"Thank you so much," I said, holding Audrey and smiling at him back. He was handsome, he looked so kind, and his voice was the most soothing one I have heard in a while.

"Yeah of course," He smiled back at me.

We stood there staring at each other for a little bit, and I wish I wasn't so shy to say something. He looked like he was shy too, and I smiled at him as Audrey began to make soft noises in her sleep.

"I have to go, I I hope I see you again sometime," I smiled at him walking away.

I should have got his name, I do regret that. But little did I know that man would be my current Boss, and well... Vic Fuentes. I can never tell if he remembers me, but he has mentioned how I look familiar so many times.

– Present Time –

Kellin's POV:

I woke up in a sweat, and I realized I had been dreaming about that whole situation again. I smiled at Audrey sound asleep beside me, and I stroked her hair as she slept. I saw how it was 8 in the morning, and usually, Audrey was up by then. I just laid in bed with her, but I decided to write something down. I never remembered that moment so clearly, but my dream just unveiled how I do remember it. I did wanna be better, for her sake.

I wrote this song for my father, Sometimes I feel he never gave a damn about me.

Though he raised me like he should, Did he understand me? No, no, I don't think so.

I wrote this song for my mother. She had to leave me when I was younger

She said son, seek this life and keep an open mind

But in my mind's eye

I am free now, Free to live without my fears

I believe now, There's a reason why I'm here

It's to try to do good, It's to try to do better

Who will I be for my daughter? This little baby, she means the world to me.

Will I relive their mistakes? Or do things the right way?

For her sake!

I smiled as she stretched while waking up. I kissed her cheek, and she giggled while hugging me.

"Come on Princess Audrey let's go change you and pick out your outfit," I smiled picking her up as she laughed playfully.

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