Chapter 11- Close Your Eyes Picture You and I

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CW: Smut

Chapter 11- Close Your Eyes Picture You And I

Vic's POV:

I woke up when I heard Kellin's restlessness around 8. I realized I would have to leave around 10 if I was gonna watch over the employees and I frowned at the thought of leaving Kellin. I smiled at him, and I noticed he looked down.

"Mhm, why are you sad we just woke up?" I asked him placing a kiss on his lips.

He shook his head, "Just some stuff it's okay Vic, is it okay if I work at the restaurant today and bring Audrey with me and just be near you?"

He had fear in his eyes, and I could tell they were starting to change from a lighter blue to a grayish blue which only happened when he was upset or nervous. I nodded, "Of course Kels whatever you need. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just wanna be near you... I have attachment issues," He smiled.

I could tell he was faking it, but I nodded and I knew he would tell me eventually. I wanted him to be happy, and I know I have attachment issues so it worked out perfectly for the both of us. I smiled, and kissed his forehead, stroking his cheek with my thumb.

"I have them too, I like being with you," I smiled shyly.

He nodded, blushing, and nuzzling into my chest with Audrey.

"Wanna go shower while Audrey sleeps?" I asked him as I continued to stroke his hair.

"Mhmm as long as you go in with me," Kellin giggled while kissing me.

"Naughty... okay," I smirked, getting up, kinda forgetting I was completely naked.

I felt his eyes scan my body, I saw him smirk and lick his lips and I laughed picking him up and running him to the shower. He looked so cute in my t-shirt, and I noticed he wasn't wearing boxers. He was not as innocent as he seemed. I put him on the counter, and I turned the shower on for us. I left the door open in case Audrey needed something, but she usually doesn't wake up until an hour later. I took Kellin's shirt off his body, and it was just us in the bathroom. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me with his tongue. I smirked, giggling a little so I grabbed him by his hips. He slid himself closer to me, and kissed me, latching himself onto my hips. I kissed his neck and picked him up carrying him into the shower and closing the door. He giggled, and I let him get down to get his hair wet. He whined and looked at me again.

"What Kels?" I asked him as I moved his hair out of his face.

"Pick me up and do me," Kellin said with a little bit of a bossy tone in his voice.

"Kels you're so naughty," I smirked, grinding on him.

He moaned, nodding quickly and latching onto me tighter. I felt his hard dick push into me, and god it was so hot. I rubbed his thighs and thought it would be fun to tease him since he was such a tease. I rubbed myself on him, and I heard the soft moans from his mouth. I kissed his chest and rubbed him with my hand. Kellin rested his head against the shower wall and moaned in pleasure. I could tell he was going to need way more to be satisfied, and I was completely okay with that. I put my fingers on his entrance again, and he looked at me biting his lip.

"Words Kellin," I said smirking, breathing right on his lips.

"Mhm need it," He mumbled.

"What do you say Kellin?" I whispered into his ear as I nibbled on his earlobe.

"Please go in me," Kellin whined.

"Since you asked nicely," I smirked.

I picked him up and made sure he was gonna be able to sit down on my dick as I held him up. I lubed myself up, and right as I finished Kellin slid himself all the way down. I didn't even have time to jerk myself off, but I was completely okay because of how tight he was. I moaned softly, and he was always loud so he began to make a lot of noise as he bounced on my length.

"Mhm you feel good Viccy," He moaned, grabbing my back tighter.

I nodded, holding him closer in response to his moans. He was bouncing up and down on my length, pulling my hair as he usually did.

I moaned in response to him being so good, I never usually got attention like this but I really did like it. He was bouncing like the whore he was, and he was going so fast it was impressive. My legs felt weak from pleasure.

"Mhm Kellin you are going so fast," I blushed, moaning a tiny bit.

He looked at me blushing and nodded letting out more moans from his mouth. He began to slow down, and his nails were digging into my skin. "Mhm, Viccy got you on my spot."

I nodded, and I thrust directly on it causing him to be as loud as he normally was. He whined, and I knew he finished within the twenty minutes we were in the shower. I did too, what could I say... Kellin is very good. I picked him up and dried him off brushing his hair. He clung to me and kissed my lips. I blushed and got dressed in front of him for work.

"Kellin you sure you wanna come to the restaurant?" I asked him. I didn't want him to feel like he had to go just for me.

"Mhm, you make me feel safe, please?" He asked me nervously.

I nodded, kissed his forehead, and gave him something to wear. I packed Audrey's bag and got her dressed for Kellin. She was hungry, so I planned on cooking something for her and Kellin at the restaurant. Kellin looked a little lost, but I didn't understand why because he was fine when we were having sex. I held his hand, walked him to my car, and drove him to the restaurant.

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