Chapter 8: Okonomiyaki & Ramen

Comenzar desde el principio

"It's ramen!" Fujio exclaimed as the two argued. While Nozomi and Tsukasa looked at them in bewilderment.

"You guys are arguing about food?" Tsukasa questioned.

"Oh, boy," Nozomi sighed and holds her sister's arm. "Let's go home."

"Well, see you," Tsukasa told her and smiled. Nozomi smiled back and nodded her head while the other two are still shouting ramen and okonomiyaki.

"It's still ramen!" Fujio shouted and Kiko was about to run towards him but Nozomi stopped her twin. Meanwhile, Tsukasa pulled Fujio out of the station.

While they are on the train, Kiko told her sister about her encounter with Hanaoka Fujio.

Kiko was walking towards the station. She just finished doing a school project with one of her classmates.

The girl glanced around and heard her stomach growl.

"Ah, I'm hungry," she grumbled. She was focused on thinking about food that she didn't realize that she bumped into someone.

"Oh!" the male exclaimed and pointed at her. Kiko then looked at him with a frown and then widened her eyes when she realized who it was.


"You're that MiKo twins, right?"

"It's KoMi, moron!" she exclaimed when Fujio got it wrong.

"MiKo sounds nicer, though," Fujio simply stated, making the girl glared at him.

"Shut up, pervert," Kiko muttered and was about to walk ahead but Fujio walked beside her.

"Hey, for the hundredth time! I am not a pervert, alright? I have a name, you know," he said. Kiko looked at him for a while and sighed.

"Alright, sorry. For calling you pervert." Fujio looked at her with curiosity but then nodded. "Fujio, was it?" she questioned and the male nodded.



"Ah, I see. You guys are twins, right?"

"What part of 'KoMi twins' didn't you get?" Kiko sarcastically questioned. The male grumbled incoherently.

"How did you know my sister?" he questioned as the two walked.

"Met her through Madoka-senpai," she simply said and shrugged.

"Eh? Doka?" Kiko glanced at him with a raised brow.

"Doka? That's her nickname?"

"Yeah, but if you call her that she will go berserk with you," Fujio said and the two laughed at the thought of it.

Kiko halted her steps when she saw an okonomiyaki shop. "Ah, perfect timing," she said and walked towards the store.

"Eh? Hey!" Fujio called and followed her towards the store.

The two found themselves sitting at the store and eating okonomiyaki.

"This is delicious!" Kiko exclaimed. "Anyway, why are you here eating with me?"

"What? I can pay for myself, 'ya know."

"That's not what I meant," she said but the male ignored her.

"I would prefer ramen over this," Fujio stated, making the girl's eyebrow raise.

"Really? Right in front of my okonomiyaki?"

"I tell you, there's a good ramen shop a block away from here. They are one of the best here in the town," he said.

"I don't believe you," Kiko taunted.

That's the beginning of their okonomiyaki-ramen argument. After eating okonomiyaki, they went to the ramen store and ate there.

Then on their way to the station, they argue about what's the best dish they had.

"Oh, gosh," Nozomi muttered as they got off the train and at the same time, Kiko finished her story.

"I know, right? Okonomiyaki was literally the best!" Kiko exclaimed.

"That's not what I meant," the younger twin said and shook her head disappointingly.

"Eh? Then, what is it?" 


Okay, i think this will be spoilers for the story or the movie itself. So just skip it but if you're curious, proceed.

y'all i feel like i'm going to cry. lol.

i'm so excited for the new movie and at the same time too nervous for it.

based on the trailer (watched it multiple times), i feel like tsukasa played a big part for the plot of this sequel (HLTW X). and i think my oc, nozomi, will have a lot of hardships with this movie 😭. I'm already crying for her. Lmao.

idk if she will be miserable or, u know, bring hell with her.

and i saw a clip on youtube (which i already reported since it's a clip from the movie) it was a big spoiler. i just realized it. T^T

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