Chapter Nineteen

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The next two days passed quickly enough. Kei and Ji met the guards who would be watching over them from here until they were clear of any and all danger. The ladies of their clan were also informed of their "extra" duties while they stayed at the palace. Since the Eagle Clan was planning to capture either Kei or Ji, and then use that to catch the other, the two of them would be under constant surveillance when they weren't with Kuroo and Bokuto.

The night before their departure, they all turned in fairly early, deciding to leave as early as possible to try and make it home in good time. While there wasn't really any rush, they all just wanted it to be over, so the two men who had found places in all their hearts could finally be free.

In a quiet corner of the Sheikh's tent, Kou held Ji tight as they both came down from their release. Ji's body was so relaxed, so pliable; Kou loved the way his body was draped over his. Almost like a blanket. Still, as he separated their bodies and settled Ji on the bed beside him, he gently ran his hand up from thigh to hip, up his side and chest, and finally caressing his softly smiling face.

"You're beautiful," he murmured, bending down for a gentle, lingering kiss.
"You keep saying that," Ji replied, running his fingers through Kou's hair.
"It's true," Kou smiled. "Even more so now, with your face all flushed and relaxed."
"Well, you did help with that."
Kou laughed. "I did, didn't I?"
"Don't let it go to your head," Jis said sarcastically, tapping Kou on the nose, and then moving so that he could get up. "Thirsty?"
"Hmmm, in more ways than one."
"Fine. I'll just get myself some water."

Ji walked over to where the pitcher of cool water was. He bent to take off the cloth on the top, and further to pick up a glass. He filled it and straightened up to take a drink. When he turned back to the bed, Kou was propped up, hands behind him, and looking very... flushed, among other things. Ji smirked, refilled the glass, and sauntered back to Kou, whose eyes never left Ji.

"You look like you need this," he said as he handed Kou the water.

Their fingers touched as Kou took the glass from him and drank, still keeping his golden eyes on Ji. Eyes that burned with the intent to repeat what they just finished doing. Kou during the day was all business, mixed with a little whimsy and fun. He was light-hearted, and truly cared for the welfare of his men and those he protected personally. At night, he left the business part off, kept the whimsy and fun, and became a welcome bastion that Ji sought out. It wasn't much of a surprise that Ji fell in love with him so easily, even when he tried to fight it. Kou felt like home.

"Do you think the plan will work?" he asked softly.
"Is that what's been bothering you?"
Ji nodded. "I'm used to hiding, laying low until the danger passed. Staying hidden because it felt safer. The ladies took care of us, and while they said we were never a burden, we still felt like one."
"You aren't feeling that way now, are you? Because you're not a burden. You will never be a burden."
"It's not that. I just..." he fidgeted with his fingers for a moment before Kou reached over to hold his hands still in his larger ones.
"A little. Worried, too."
Kou guided Ji so that he was seated right where he wanted to be. He couldn't help the little whimper of pleasure he made at the contact and the friction when Kou moved. Kou kindled the fire that burned between them. Placing his hands on Kou's chest, he pushed slightly, just enough to let Kou know he still wanted to talk.

"Can you put an extra guard on Kei?"
"On Tsuki? Sure. But, why? Why not for you also?"
"Well, I have the guards you assigned for me, plus you, so I'm not worried for myself. Not much, anyway." He fought a groan as Kou moved, rolled his hips just a little, and Ji needed a moment to keep his brain from scrambling. "S-stop that, Kou. I can't t-think when you do that."
"That's why I did it."
"No, Kou, give me a minute," he said, resting his hands on Kou's chest. His lover groaned, but stopped moving, and Ji took a deep breath. "Put an extra guard on Kei. He doesn't think he needs any guards, he doesn't think they're after him except as bait to get to me. But... you've seen him, Kou. His golden hair, his burnished gold eyes, his physique and graceful moves. He's beautiful, but refuses to believe it."
"Why is that? I even said he was, and I have no doubt Kuroo's told him a million times."
"He thinks I'm more beautiful than he'll ever be, and it's probably because I always gained the most attention. I was the one men offered for more than him. I don't think he realizes it, but he would intimidate men with an icy demeanor."
"Icy? Kei?" Kou asked skeptically.
"He hasn't needed to be icy here. He hasn't needed to for a decade."
"I'm almost curious to see it."
"Don't," Ji warned. "It took months for me to shake him free of it after we ran. Neither of us needs to go through that again."
"Alright. I'll assign one more man to guard him," he finally agreed. And then he rolled his hips, causing Ji to gasp and respond in kind.
"T-thank you, Kou."
"Yeah," was all he got, which was fine because neither of them were in the mindset to talk anymore.

Kou's mouth latched onto Ji's neck, sucking a mark there. His hands wandered Ji's body; over his torso, his back, down to his hips, and his thighs. Ji couldn't help rocking his hips, grinding against Kou, mindlessly searching for more. His hands were tangled in Kou's hair, and he tugged just enough to make Kou stop kissing his neck and start kissing him properly on the mouth. They stopped a little bit later, both of them gasping for air.

Kou grasped Ji's waist and picked him up effortlessly, placing him gently on their bed. Without words, he guided him onto his stomach, and settled between his legs. Ji knew what he wanted, and raised his hips. He didn't have long to wait before Kou was sinking into him slowly, causing them both to groan. Ji grabbed fistfuls of bedding as Kou moved. God, he loved this man; he loved being loved by this man.

He wanted to be loved like this forever...

Hours later, Ji held Kou as he slept, and he smiled. "I love you, Koutaro Bokuto," he whispered just before he also fell asleep.


Early the next morning, before the sun crested the horizon, everyone pitched in to help pack up their camps. The caretaker of the oasis brought several camels and wagons loaded with the goods they'd be taking with them on the final leg of their journey. With a bit of ingenuity, some clever rearranging, and the purchase of a few more camels, the caravan set off an hour after full sunrise. They had three days of travel ahead of them, at most, and everyone was looking forward to seeing the palace.

Everyone, that is, except for two guards, who were supposed to leave as soon as possible, find and report to their master, who was currently undercover in the palace town. Which is what happened the moment the palace town was sighted, three days later. Without word to anyone, even Eita and Taichi, they crept away the last evening the caravan stopped for the night, leaving behind anything they acquired while on assignment.

Including the message that was hidden from Eita and Taichi, and was given to Bokuto as soon as it was found.

To Dance By MoonlightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz