Chapter Six

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Later that night, Bokuto sat up in the bed, letting the blankets fall to his waist, the low light from the lanterns making his tanned skin glow. He couldn't get the image of Akaashi out of his mind. First, the way his blue-green eyes scanned the anteroom as if sizing up who his friends and foes were, and looking around for exits. Second, the way he was limp in Tsukishima's arms, passed out because of his careless mistake.

"He's going to hate me," he said softly, breaking the silence of the night. He felt a hand rest gently on his lower back, smoothing back and forth. Bo glanced back with a chagrined smile. "They're both going to hate me, aren't they?"
"No, not hate," Kuro's sleepy voice replied. "It might take them a while to fully trust you, maybe a little less if you let them see you're trustworthy, but I don't think they'll hate you."
"You sound like they already trust you," he accused.
"No, I know they don't trust me, either, by virtue of being your best friend."
The hand left his back, and the sibilant sound of fabric moving alerted him to Kuro's movements. Then, he felt the heat of skin as Kuro wrapped himself around him, his arms around his waist. Kuro set his chin gently down on his shoulder. Bokuto leaned back into his embrace.
"Why did you do it?" Kuro asked softly.
"Other than what I already told you earlier, I don't really know," Bo replied, fidgeting with Kuro's fingers and thinking as he spoke. "I heard about them when we visited another town, and I thought that if the Clan of the Eagle was searching for them, they must be criminals. Or... or something."
Kuro snorted. "Criminals? Those two? You aren't referring to Tsukishima and Akaashi, are you?" he asked sarcastically.
"You deserve it. Still, whatever gave you the idea they were criminals?"
"Like I said, I don't know! I guess maybe I wanted to see their reactions when I mentioned the Eagle Clan."
"So, fear and one of them passed out."
"I wasn't expecting that! I didn't mean..." he buried his face in his hands and moaned. "He's going to hate me."
Kuro snickered and pushed off him, scrubbing a hand through his hair.
"Nah. But, dare I ask, if you like one of them?"
"Obvious question is obvious. Genius."
"O ho! Look who's being a smartass, now?"
"Yeah, well, you deserve it."
"Fine. I deserve it." Kuro conceded, and moved so that he sat beside him. "Your spectacular blunder aside, though... what do you think of them?"
Bokuto's smile lit up the entire tent. "Beautiful."
"Yeah. I thought so, too." Kuro nudged his shoulder. "You like the dark-haired one, yeah? Keiji Akaashi?"
Bokuto nodded, a flush coloring his cheeks and his smile turned shy. "Hair as dark as midnight, eyes the color of the sea."
"Such poetry."
"Stop. You couldn't take your eyes off Kei Tsukishima."
"No. No, I couldn't." He admitted and turned a sly look on him. "Shall I wax poetic, too?"

They laughed as Bo shoved Kuro back on the bed. They wrestled like a pair of children until the blankets tangled around their legs. Fighting free, they laid on their backs, staring up at the tent's roof.

"Did you notice how close they were?" Bo asked after he caught his breath.
"It was kinda hard to miss. They walked in holding hands and were as close as they could be without being on top of each other."
"Yeah. And the way Tsukishima held Akaashi after he passed out. Looked like he'd die to protect him."
"And if the situation had been reversed, the same would be true."
"Do you think they've...?"
"Do you mean like us? I'm certain they have." Kuro moved so that he was resting his head on one arm, looking down at Bo, and tracing a fingertip across his chest. "Can you blame them?"
"No. If we were in the same situation, I imagine we'd be as close, if not closer. Like them." Bo's eyes took on a certain sparkle. "Although, we're pretty close, too."
"Completely different situation," Kuro protested mildly. Still, his gray eyes shimmered in response. He flattened his hand and started a southerly path, leaving fire in its wake. "It's my turn, love," his voice was low, raspy with desire.
Bo nodded enthusiastically as that hand moved lower and lower. He arched into the touch. "It's your turn, love."


In the tent of the Clan of the Crow, cuddled together in their little nest, Kei traced the outline of Ji's face, softly, tenderly. As beautiful in sleep as he was awake, it was truly a wonder that Ji hadn't been taken from him long ago. Even more a wonder that he chose to stay with him, too. Ji's beauty and kindness attracted both sexes equally, and numerously. Even his serious mien attracted people to him; he only smiled when it was necessary. A smile so bright no one ever noticed it never reached his eyes.

Kei could barely remember the last time he'd seen Ji smile with his whole heart, his eyes shining with emotion.

"Stop it," Ji chided gently, his eyes still closed.
"Stop what?" Kei asked, tapping the tip of his nose before moving his hand away. Ji reached out and took it in his own.
"Stop sinking into your head again." Now, his eyes were open.
"I'm not..."
"You're every bit as beautiful as they say I am; you just refuse to accept it," Ji said, his voice quiet, but strong. "I stay because you're my best friend. My only friend. And I love you."
Kei smiled. "I love you too. But, I'm not sinking..."
"You are. You always do. Mostly when you think I'm the one getting more attention than you."
"You make it sound like I'm jealous."
Blue-green eyes met golden brown. He didn't say a word. Didn't have to.
"Maybe I used to get jealous. A little bit. When we were younger."
"And now?"
"Not even a little bit."
One dark eyebrow lifted. Kei smirked and bent to touch his forehead against Ji's. He turned his hand so Ji let it go, and he caressed the face he adored, brushing back strands of midnight hair.
"All eyes were on you. You didn't do anything but stand there, and all their attention was on you."
Ji chuckled, his own hand touching Kei's face, fingers sifting through his hair.
"Not all of them."
Kei snorted.
"I'm serious! Sure, when we walked in, I felt all eyes on me. But only for a moment. You captured, and held, one person's attention after that."
"Oh come on! You can't be that blind?!"
Kei said nothing, only waited with pleading eyes.
"I'm sorry. You're not blind. Still, the Sheikh only had eyes for you."
"You think so?"
"Just like the Emir only had eyes for..."
"Do not speak of him."
"No. Say nothing about that man," he said urgently. But then, his voice changed to something a little softer. "I don't trust him."
"He didn't mean it, you know."
"What? Of course he..."
"No, Ji, he didn't mean to frighten you, to make you pass out. He made assumptions from rumors he heard." When Ji remained silent, Kei leaned in further and kissed him. "If you'd only seen his face, and the way he looked at you..."
"You're too trusting, Kei."
"Maybe so. But... Neither of them struck me as untrustworthy."
"You're just saying that because you're smitten with the Sheikh."
"I am not!" Kei protested. And then, just a little softer, "How would you know?"
"I wasn't out cold the entire time."

He didn't mean to shout, and Ji covered his mouth with his hand. Rustles of fabric and muffled groans filled the air. Kei's and Ji's heads popped up and they looked around, seeing the ladies move around on their pallets, finding a more comfortable position.

"Keep it down, you two," Kiyoko's sleepy voice floated back to them.
"Sorry, Kiyoko-san," they both apologized. When it was quiet again, they settled back down in their little nest.

"When?" Kei demanded.
"Just after the Emir asked you about my saying we barely made it out alive."
"I couldn't see anything but your face and eyes. Every time the Sheikh spoke, he had your full attention. It was like no one else existed in the room; just the two of you." A gentle smile curled his lips. "You like him."
Kei couldn't lie to his best friend. He nodded. "I do."
"Hmmm.." Ji was thoughtful, but he wasn't motionless. He slowly dragged a fingertip from Kei's chin, down his neck, traced a little pattern on his chest, and lower still.
"You think we should still go to the palace," it wasn't a question.
"I do." His breath hitched when Ji's hand came to rest low on his hip. "I think you're just as curious as I am, too."
"Maybe so."

Kei felt the back of that hand as it moved low across his pelvis. It seemed Ji was done talking, at least verbally. Chuckling, Kei moved to kiss his neck, his own hands wandering over Ji's heated skin. As one, they burrowed deeper under the blankets, and loved each other silently.

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