Chapter Seven

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After another week filled with relaxation, informal practices, and enjoying the company of fellow dancers from other clans, it was finally time to leave. The oasis was a hive of activity, and everyone helped the troupes pack up for their journeys to parts unknown, including the Sheikh and Emir. The ladies of the Crow Clan happily split up to help the Fox Clan, Cat Clan, and the Shieldmaidens of Date. As they were the last to arrive at the oasis, they'd be the last to leave, making sure everything was left better than they found it.

Kei and Keiji were happy to help out as well, but soon found themselves either swamped by ladies wishing to know all their dancing secrets, or trying to get closer in a misguided effort to seduce them. The latter happened more often than not, as their preferences were only known among their clan. And quite possibly the Sheikh, Emir, and their loyal advisor. Still, it was their secret to keep, and no one was talking.

Time was spent packing, but even greater amounts of time were spent chatting and sharing secrets. Often, small groups of two or three ladies from different clans shared new dance moves. No one was really in any hurry to leave. The Sheikh and Emir went around the oasis, offering their help and joined in willingly when it came to taking down a tent. But like the ladies, they tried to spend time with the two that had caught their eyes; Kei and Keiji. It wasn't easy, but they slowly earned their trust enough to spend a little time without them finding excuses to run away.

One day, an enterprising young lady from the Fox Clan managed to corner Keiji. He was all politeness in trying to deter her advances, but when that wouldn't work, he was very blunt in trying to shake her off. Whether she was that obtuse, or just stubbornly determined was beside the point. She wasn't giving up, and Keiji was growing more flustered by the second.

Bokuto was walking with a few of his guards when he saw the younger man put down a box none too gently, bow sharply, and then speed off toward where his clan's tent was still set up. Concerned, he quietly ordered his men to divert the lady, who was doggedly in pursuit, and he split off from them, going another direction, in order to catch up with Akaashi. He only just managed to get ahead of him, when Akaashi veered toward him without warning.

The two of them collided and fell to the ground. Bokuto was the first to recover, quickly going to Akaashi's side.

"Are you hurt? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean..."
"I'm fine. Please, don't worry about me," Akaashi said, looking up at him with a beautiful smile. Which fell the instant he realized who he'd run into. He scrambled back, and clumsily got to his feet. "I beg your pardon, my lord," he bowed, and started walking away.

Stunned, Bokuto only had a moment before he was on his feet and trying hard not to run after him. "W-wait!" he called out, hoping the man would stop. He didn't, but at least he slowed down, giving Bokuto a chance to catch up. Once he was close enough he spoke again.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. Akaashi slowed to a stop but didn't turn around.
"For what?"
"I didn't mean to scare you. The night we met, I mean. I didn't mean to make you pass out."
He heard a sigh and he watched as Akaashi leaned his weight from side to side, as if he was nervous. One of his arms came up to grip the other above the elbow.
"It's fine. Tsuki told me you were only assuming."
"That doesn't make it right."
"You didn't know. It's alright."
"No, it's not. I shouldn't have..." Bokuto let out a frustrated breath. "Akaashi?"
"Yes, my lord?"
"Could you turn around? As much as I like the sight of your back, I'd much rather see your face when I talk to you."

Akaashi's arm fell to his side, and he balled his hands into fists, but he turned around, his head bowed. Bokuto knew he was doing it only because it had sounded like an order. And maybe it was. Still, Akaashi was now facing him, as asked. Sort of. Either way, Bokuto would take it. For now.

"Better now?" Akaashi asked under his breath. Bokuto grinned.
"Mostly. I still can't see your pretty eyes, but if this is all you'll grant me, then I'll take it."
Akaashi bowed his head but kept his eyes down. "What were you saying, my lord?"
"Oh! Yeah, sorry. I shouldn't have made assumptions about the two of you. It was only word of mouth, and some public posters..."
That made Akaashi's head come up fast, and the fear was back in his gorgeous blue-green eyes.
"We thought they gave up looking for us. Were the posters new?"
Bokuto didn't quite know how to answer that and keep Akaashi from running away again. Or passing out. Neither was a good scenario.
"Uhhh... judging by the aging around the borders, they looked at least a few months old? Possibly older."
"Where did you see them?"
Bokuto listed off the places he remembered seeing the posters. Akaashi's face paled, and he started teetering. Thinking fast, Bokuto moved quickly so that if Akaashi fell, he'd be there to catch him.
"I have to tell Tsuki," he said absentmindedly. "We have to tell Kiyoko-san. They're too close. We can't let them catch us. We can't be caught."
"Where was Tsuki last? I can take you to him."
"No!" Akaashi shouted. "No, thank you," he repeated only more moderately. "I can go myself."

Akaashi backed away from him, turned, and took a few steps. Then, he stumbled. Bokuto leapt into action, steadying Akaashi before he had the chance to fall. As they both straightened up, Bokuto found himself staring down into troubled, misty blue-green eyes that for once didn't flinch or look away from him. Without thinking, he lifted his hand and gently cupped Akaashi's jaw, his thumb softly stroking his cheek.

"Let me help you," he whispered.
"We can't. We shouldn't."
"Why not?"
"You know who we are. How can we trust you to not just hand us over to them? Even if we could trust you, what you know of us would get you further involved than you already are, and it could possibly kill you."
"We can protect you. I want to protect you."
A tiny, forlorn smile lifted Akaashi's lips, and Bokuto fell. Hard.
"Thank you. But you can't. No one else needs to die because of us."
"Thank you, my lord," the younger man said, gently grasping his wrist and pulling his hand away from his face. He stepped back, bowed, and then turned and walked away.


From the shade of the trees, two figures were watching the exchange between Emir Bokuto and their pretty little Akaashi.

"I never had a chance, did I?" the lady said quietly, her voice laden with irritation. "You never told me..."
"It wasn't any of your business," the man interrupted harshly. He tossed a small pouch of coins in her direction, which she caught with ease. "Your job is finished. You may go."
"Hmph!" She took the bag and slinked off.

When she was about to leave the cover of the trees, another man appeared and grabbed her around her waist and neck. She struggled for a few moments before a quick jerking motion from the man sent her sprawling silently to the ground, unmoving. Quickly, the man picked up the bag of coins, and dragged the woman's body away, to be buried, leaving no trace.

To Dance By MoonlightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora