Chapter Eighteen

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As it happened, the two men were due for a check-in, and by the time breakfast was cleared from the table, they had arrived. Kei and Keiji went behind a partition, so they couldn't be seen right away. Eita and Taichi came in and immediately knelt and bowed before Kuroo and Bokuto.

"Rise," Kuroo told them quietly. "Report."
"Nothing new, sir," Eita replied immediately. "Our charges are getting antsy, though. They need something to do."
Bokuto snorted. "It isn't like they've been especially helpful while they've been here. Only the bare minimum."
"Give us the same task. We'll keep an eye on them."
"Well, as it so happens, we have an idea..." Kuroo started to say, but then grinned. "Actually, I think we'll do something else first."

The two men looked confused for a moment, until Kei stepped out from their hiding spot, with Keiji right behind them. They looked to Kuroo first, who nodded his assurance, and they were on their feet walking up to their two former charges. Or friends, since it looked like they were all happy to see each other.

"I can't believe it," Taichi was saying. "You both look well!"
"Did you not think we would?" Ji answered him.
"To be honest, we didn't know how long you'd be able to survive," Eita joined in. "We couldn't give you much, and it was a long way to the next town."
"We were lucky," Kei said briefly. "But what about you? How did you...?"
"You knew we always wanted to go, too. We were finally given an opportunity in the form of 'infiltration' and joining the two spies already here," Eita told them.
"Instead, we came to the Sheikh, who has been the kindest man to allow us to stay alive."

Kuroo and Bokuto watched the four of them chat easily between each other, and then shared a look. They must have been more to each other while Kei and Ji were with the Eagle Clan, or Eita and Taichi had taken pity on the two. Then again, they were all about the same age, give or take a year, so maybe that was the source of their friendship. Whatever the case, it was good to see this reunion, knowing that Kei and Ji at least had these two as friends. Still, they couldn't really take too much more time. He had a meeting soon, and Eita and Taichi couldn't be gone too long, or else they'd raise suspicions with the spies.

"I hate to break you guys up, but we're running out of time," he said clearly. Eita and Taichi came back to kneel before him, while Kei and Ji sat together nearby. "We need you two to distract our spies. Bokuto has already changed the rotations a bit, so you will be going back out for another patrol."
"Sounds good. One of them is a loose cannon, it might keep him occupied enough to not do anything stupid," Taichi said.
"What do you mean?"
"It was his idea to lure, bribe, and kill the lady from the Fox Clan," Eita replied. "The other one is getting nervous, and might screw up because of that."
"Do what you can to keep them... docile. We don't need any more surprises, and we need that plan to go through without any changes, or we won't be able to combat it," Bokuto ordered.
"Dismissed. Bokuto will be by soon to inform the men."
"Yes, sir!"

The two men rose to their feet, bowed again, and left the tent, making sure they weren't seen. As soon as they were gone, Nekomata came into the room and bowed to them. Right behind him was Kiyoko and Eri. This meeting would be relatively quick. At least, Kuroo hoped it would be.

"Ladies," he started saying. "First, thanks for coming. Second, you're here because we're going to need your help."
"Our help? How so?" Kiyoko asked, looking curious.
"You're going to be guards, so to speak, for your brothers."
"Guards?" Eri looked concerned. "Will it be dangerous?"
"I can't guarantee it won't be, but I'm not expecting you to do more than have a few of you go with them if they decide to go down to the palace town."
"Safety in numbers," Kiyoko replied.
Kuroo nodded. "Safety in numbers. It only needs to be a few of you, not the whole troupe. Less than that within the palace."
"We can do that," Eri said, looking over at Kiyoko, who nodded slowly.
"We'll do it. But, forgive me, I need to remind you that..."
"It's alright. A fortnight should be long enough."
"I don't understand."
"I'll explain later."
"We'll see you at dinner time, alright?"
And then, the ladies were gone, after a quick hug from Kei and Ji.
"Nekomata, have you discovered anything of import?"
"Not as yet. I've sent a few of my men ahead to the palace town for reconnaissance. They'll meet us before we reach the outskirts."
"Thank you. Also, I want a couple men to keep an eye on our four guests. If it looks like Eita and Taichi need assistance keeping our spies at bay, let them provide a diversion."
"Yes, sir. Anything else?"
"Not right now. Thank you. See you at dinner."
"Of course! I wouldn't miss it."
Nekomata rose and started leaving, when Bokuto walked over to join him.
"I've got to go inform the men of the changes, so I'll tag along with you as far as the barracks tent." He patted the older man on the back, and then turned to face Kei and Ji. "Meet me in about an hour? That'll give me time to get everyone rearranged and the spies far enough away to not cause any trouble."
"We'll be there," Ji replied.
"Well, depending on how long it takes to negotiate with the caretaker, I'll be along as soon as we're done," Kei told them.
"Right. Oh! I meant to ask, but are there any merchants here, too?" Ji looked over at Kuroo.
"Possibly? They use the oases as often as we do, so I would think some are here as well."
"Koutaro, can we go?"
Kuroo and Kei both looked at them in surprise, and then at each other. Another surprise; they were on a first name basis.
"Sure! What are you hoping to find?"
"I just want to look around," he replied, a tiny smile on his lips.
"Which is code for he's hoping to buy something for someone," Kei interpreted.
Ji shrugged. "I have an idea. I'm hoping the right merchants are here. If not, I want to look around the palace town market."
"Sounds like a plan," Bokuto said. He looked out of the room and back again. "The caretaker is here, so we'll be off. See you in an hour!"
"See you." Ji looked at Kuroo. "Mind if I stay, too?"
"Sure. I don't mind at all."


Before Eita and Taichi rejoined their two 'comrades,' one of them quickly took the little missive off his nighthawk's leg. He unrolled the paper and read the message.

"What does it say?"
"There's been a change in the plans. They've moved the time up. There's already a team in place, and another on the way."
"What changed?"
"Instead of waiting two weeks, it'll be one. We're to 'quit our positions' and rejoin the rest."
"Right. Anything else?"
"Yes, but, I'm not sure I get it."
"What's that?"
"We can't tell Eita or Taichi."
"Why not?"
"No idea. We just can't tell them."
When Eita and Taichi reentered the tent, the note was tucked away in the man's robes, to be destroyed later. The two came over to join them and moments later Emir Bokuto entered the tent.
"I have rearranged the rotation a bit." He rattled off a few names. "You men will start your rounds at dinner time, so be sure to eat well and get some rest."
His eyes roamed the tent until they landed on the four of them.
"You men will start your rounds on the hour, until 3am. It'll be long and grueling, so be prepared. Take care of yourselves."
"Yes, sir!"
"Any questions?" He waited patiently for a few minutes, and then nodded to the men gathered. "Everything else remains the same. Stay vigilant, and make sure everyone stays safe, including yourselves. Check in with me if you need anything. Have a good evening!"
"Yes, sir!"

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