Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Kou, are you seriously trying to use your body to try and dissuade me?" Ji asked breathlessly, after a long, searing kiss. "I still..." another kiss, "want to go..." another, "find him." He let out a tiny whimper as Kou's hands traveled all over his torso, finally resting on his hips.
"No," Kou said softly in his ear. "I want you to understand that staying here not only keeps you safe, but gives me peace of mind."
"I can fight, Kou."
"I know. It's not something I ever want to see, not for real. Maybe training with the men..."
"Ji, I love you too much to risk your life. Even for Kei. Look, I know you love him, too, but... please, just stay here?"

The whole time he said that, his hands roamed Ji's body; roaming his body in all the right places, fingers dipping beneath the waistline of his pants. Much as he wanted to fight it, to argue more with him about saving Kei, he couldn't help his own body's desires. Gods, this man knew how to make him burn! And did he just say...? Ji leaned back to look at Kou.

"You love me?"
Kou nodded, suddenly looking quite shy. "Yeah. I love you."
Ji exhaled, the fight leaving him, and he sagged against Kou, arms going around his back, nuzzling his face into his neck.
"I love you, too." He tightened his hold a little more. "But I'm still angry with you."
"I know. I'm sorry." Kou's arms wrapped around him, and Ji never felt safer, more at home, than in this moment. "Wait for me, okay?"
"Okay. But you're going to tell me everything that happened."
"Even if it's nothing?"
"Even if it's nothing. Besides, you owe me for leaving me in this state."
"How about we take care of that first thing, as soon as we get back?"
"Bold of you to assume I'll be ready..."
"I love you," Kou whispered, and bit lightly on Ji's earlobe, making him shiver.
"I know. I love you."
"I love you too. Now go, before I keep you with me. And you know I'll win that battle."
"Right! Love you later!"

Ji watched his lover leave and then went to the table holding a pitcher of water and a bowl. He poured some of it out and dipped a clean cloth into it, using it to cool him off. When he felt fit to leave the room, he made his way to the kitchen to help Fatima. Maybe if he put his mind to making dinner, he wouldn't think about anything else.


"Sir, we have news," Yunohama said as he walked into the room. He was dragging someone along behind him, and then unceremoniously shoved him to the floor. "The traitor, Taichi, came back."
"He's no traitor," Washijo said slowly. "Are you?"
"No, sir! I wouldn't think of it!"
"Then why are you back after so long away?" Tendo asked from his seat at the window. "And why isn't Semi-Semi with you?"
"He was the one who wanted to escape," Taichi said, his face showing disgust and his mouth lifted in a sneer. "I wasn't about to let him think I was still loyal to the Eagle Clan."
Tendo squinted. "You're lying."
"Why would I lie, Tendo-san? Have I ever once given anyone here reason to think otherwise?"
"That's enough," Washijo interrupted. "Taichi, I presume you'll tell me everything you know?"
"Of course, sir!"
"Wait. What more information are you needing besides that of Akaashi?" Tendo focused on his boss.
"Maybe I can use whatever Taichi tells us as something to hold over the Sheikh. If I ever need to, that is."
"Tendo, go get some food and a rest. Your guess-work is slipping too much for my comfort."
Tendo's face radiated anger, but he kept his mouth shut and went to do Washijo's bidding. As he left, Washijo looked at Yunohama.
"Anything else?"
"Right. Yes, sir. One of our spies came back to report. He told us that the roads are manned with guards, sir. Anyone can enter, but searches are being conducted on anyone leaving."
"I see."
"The Sheikh sent out search parties, as well. We haven't seen anything suspicious," Yunohama continued. "Nothing since..."
"Since the day our Dove pushed his shoes through the hole in his wall, yes?"
"Yes, sir. The dog ran away before we could recover..."
"Yes, I know. Thank you, Yunohama. You may leave."
"Sir!" The man straightened up at attention, and then turned smartly on his heel to leave, closing the door quietly behind him.
"I'm glad you've come back, Taichi," Washijo said quietly. "Now, tell me everything you know. And you best hope it's enough to satisfy me. You know better than anyone how much I hate it when my rule is defied... yes?"
"Yes, I do," Taichi answered, suppressing a shiver.
"Then speak. Tell me everything."
Taichi took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and then started talking. He went through everything Nekomata told him to say, he embellished a bit in places, but largely kept to the script. If he hadn't been so good at memorization techniques, he'd be dead by now, by the boss's own hand. Luckily, Nekomata was even more wily than Washijo, and had something planned out. Taichi was sure the man planned everything and then planned for every thing that may, or may not, happen after that.

Still, once he was finished speaking, he kept his eyes on the boss, watching his expression. There wasn't anything that looked like anger or even disappointment, so he inwardly sighed with relief. Hopefully, this earned him a reprieve.

"Since I know you and Semi were close to our Dove and his partner, I'll allow you to be his guardian once again."
"Tendo-san won't be happy about that," Taichi muttered as he stood.
"His happiness isn't my concern. As long as he stays obedient, I don't care."
"Yes, sir. Thank you."
"Don't disappoint me, Taichi."
"No, sir."
"You'll find him downstairs in the room to your right. Soekawa, Umeda, and Suzuki are also guarding him. But since you're here, send Suzuki back up to me."
"Yes, sir."
"You may go."

Taichi was on his way almost before he'd been dismissed. But, he had to keep up appearances, so he walked easily, calmly, and made every effort to look like he just came back from an extended leave instead of attempting escape. Once he found the stairs to the basement, he went down and gave Suzuki his orders. The other two watched him skeptically, but said nothing.
"How is our... guest?" he asked them, raising his voice enough and hoping Tsuki heard him.
"Well enough," Soekawa grumbled. "Barely eats anything, though."
"Is Layla not cooking for us anymore?"
"She stayed home. The boss hired some new girl. Local. She's decent, but it's not Layla's fine cooking."
"She still hasn't let you into her bed, has she?" Taichi asked playfully. Everyone in the clan knew Soekawa had a thing for pretty little Layla, the clan cook. Looks like Soekawa still hadn't won her over. Which was good, because the man was a brute most of the time.
"No. But one day, she will."
"So sure of yourself, huh?"
"That I am. Go on in. I know you want to see him."
"Thank you."

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