Takeaways from Book pt.2

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Good Vibes, Good Life is a book written by Vex Kings

These are more of set reminders that we keep forgetting in our everyday lives. This book is very relatable and draws from everyday experiences. [source: Internet, though I have read this book]

(16) There is no way you can avoid negativity in your life. The more people you are connected with, the more negativity would be thrown at you. But no one can hurt you without your permission. The best response to negativity thrown at you is silence and joy. This will make the haters feel that they are banging against a wall that does not respond. They will hurt themselves and refrain after some time.

(17) You cannot please everyone, neither you should even attempt it. Do not be too harsh on yourself.

(18) Your purpose is not to be in a job you dislike for the rest of your life. Harmful workplaces push us into an unhealthy mental state, leading to an unhealthy physical state.

(19) You won't be important to all the people all the time, and that's why you have to be important to yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company.

(20) You have done things some people said you could never do. You have also done things even you thought you may never be able to do. Appreciate yourself. Pat yourself. Go out and celebrate.

(21) Either way, you are going to be judged, whether you live your life on your own terms, or other people's.

(22) Embrace your uniqueness. Are you considered weird? Awesome.

(23) Forgive yourself for all the bad decisions you made, for the lack of belief, for hurting others and yourself. Forgive yourself for everything. Important is to move forward with a better mindset.

(24) You cannot expect others to be kind to you if you are not kind to yourself.

(25) When you forgive people for past mistakes, you cannot, and do not improve the past. You improve your present and future by creating positive vibes. Forgiving someone is for your better life.

(26) You cannot move forward with the thoughts that hold you back.

(27) Once you mute the noise of the world, you would realize that there is nothing that you cannot do.

(28) If you cannot change the situation, change your perception of it. That is where your personal power is. Take charge.

(29) Your job is not to get rid of negative events or negative thoughts - you cannot. Rather, your job is to improve your response to these events and thoughts.

(30) Just one positive thought early in the day can produce a significantly different outcome by the end of the day. This is in line with the butterfly effect where butterfly flapping can cause minute weather changes, which, over time, can have a significant impact on the weather far away.

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