Chapter 22 Obtaining the Golden Transport RWBY PART 8

Start from the beginning

With Sona and the others 3rd POV

After Y/N left to go back to See Lord Michael Sona and the rest his girlfriends have spent most of the afternoon hanging out discussing things only girls should know

Yang:When is our handsome boyfriend gonna be back?

Before anyone could say anything a loud whistle is heard from outside beacon academy

The whistle causes everyone in beacon academy to run out of the building into the court yard

As the students and staff alike rush into the academy courtyard everyone looks around for the noise

Suddenly one student spots something in the sky


The student points to the sky which causes everyone to look where the student is pointing at

Another loud whistle is heard which everyone sees what is making the noise

Glynda:Is that a

Ozpin:Yes it is Glynda it's a golden train

Coco:But who's driving it?

Irina:it's Y/N..

Coco:Hold up are you positive?!

Ravel:Yes it's him he said that he had to take  care of something which resulted in him getting the train you see before you all

Suddenly the train stops above the fountain which Y/N jumps from the train and lands Infront of the fountain

Y/N:So what I miss?

Sona:Nothing new babe just the usual

Y/N:Right Headmaster Ozpin how goes the situation with "that"?

Ozpin:"that" should be ready tomorrow when the students go and pick their first missions to do which "they" will only be able to pick the "one" we made for them

Velvet:What's going on?

Serafall:Sorry Velvet we can't explain exactly is going on just yet but know that we are working on reducing the crime around here


Y/N:Yes Velvet we really are working on reducing crime for everyone on Remnant

Everyone returns to the academy as Y/N Sona Akeno Serafall Irina and Ravel head to their temporary dorm which they decide to discuss a few things

Sona:You want us to each do individual training too?

Y/N: Yes as I said yesterday we don't know when or how powerful a foe could appear during the journey so if we are to neglect the extra training then we will most certainly be killed way before the war begins

Irina:Weiss and Yang should be here to hear about this

Ravel:She's right they are part of the harem too so they have just as much right in this conversation as ever

Y/N:Your right Ravel.... Akeno can you go get them and bring them here please?

Akeno:Of course handsome I'll be just a moment

Akeno leaves the dorm only to return with not just Weiss and Yang but Blake as well

Y/N:Blake? What brings you here with Weiss and Yang?

Blake:Well um I gotta ask something if it's alright with you six....

Y/N looks to his first five girlfriends and nod which the girls nod

Serafall:Of course you can ask us anything Blake

Blake:Well I just wanna know how you six feel about Faunuses?

Ravel:You mean the cat ears behind your bow or just faunus in general?

Blake:Wait you knew?!

Y/N:Not difficult to find out Blake especially when six of us have been trained in ki so we are able to sense the energy within each of you

Akeno:But in regards to the question of what do we think of Faunuses in General we think that they are not too different from Humans as most of us think that they are humans but slightly different in appearance

Weiss:Huh I never thought to think of them that way

Y/N:By the way Weiss when are you gonna stop hiding the fact that your similar to Blake just different member of the cat family?

Yang Weiss and Blake:Wait what?!

Weiss:I'm a faunus like Blake?!

Y/N:Yes I can sense your genetics and it's similar to Blake's cat genetic but more of a snow and leopard type genetic then a cat

Blake:Wait you mean to tell that She is a snow leopard faunus?!

Sona:Weiss do you have any birthmarks or any of the sort that you don't normally show everyone?

Weiss goes quiet before speaking

Weiss:I do have several dots that appear on my forehead that I use make up to cover up with

Y/N:Could we see?

Weiss nods and wipes off the make up showing the dots

Blake:Oh Oum those dots really do symbolize a snow leopard's fur pattern Weiss!

Weiss is shocked at the reveal

Y/N:Anyway besides asking both Weiss and Yang to come here I want to find out something

Akeno:What is it?

Y/N:Well the six of us meaning myself Sona Akeno Serafall Irina and Ravel are all supposed to learn something from this universe which is semblances and aura according to what Blake and Weiss told us when we first arrived

Yang:But you six have yet to unlock it

Weiss summons a glyph of her family's semblance with a sad look

Weiss:it's a shame really that you six have yet to unlock it

Ravel notices something different about Y/N while Weiss is using her semblance

As Weiss stops using her semblance Y/Ns appearance returns to normal

Ravel:Weiss use your semblance again I think I might of discovered what Y/Ns is

Weiss has a confused look before activating her semblance again

Ravel then notices the same change on Y/N happen again

Ravel:I knew it! Y/N when Weiss uses her semblance your hair turns white as her hair is

Yang:Wait really?!

Ravel:Yes really just look at him while Weiss is using her semblance

The girls look at Y/N to find out that Ravel is right

Weiss:She's right you do have my hair color but do you do the same as me in terms of semblances?

Y/N:Only one way to find out

Y/N stands up from the bed and attempts to perform the same thing as Weiss which he manages to summon a glyph as well

Irina:So your semblance is that you copy the semblance of those closest to you?

Y/N:Seems that way

Yang:Weiss stop using your semblance for a second let's see if he can copy mine

Weiss nods and stops her semblance which Yang activates her causing her hair to light up and her eyes to turn red which she pounds her fist together

Y/N proceeds to do the same which he mimics Yangs appearance but only in a male version

Sona:So it's true Y/Ns semblance is to copy other semblances and use them to the same effective as the original owners

Blake:It seems that  way

Y/N:In any case Weiss Yang we will talk to you what we wanted to talk about tomorrow afternoon for now we should all rest

The girls nod which Weiss Yang and Blake head back to their dorm while Y/N and five of his seven girlfriends all climb into their beds and fall asleep


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