Chapter 39❄️

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Kim Seokjin was happily clapping his hands for his best friend who was taking up the position of CEO of Parks Enterprises. The conference room was filled with photographers and press to capture the event.

Park Jimin was squealing in joy and giving flying kisses to his husband Kim Taehyung who was holding their two years old baby. Jimin gave birth to a baby boy and named his as Taemin by joining both their names. He was literally copy cat of Jimin with chubby cheeks and almond eyes and cute button nose. He got toothless boxy smile from his father Taehyung.

Jin hugged his best friend who crushed him to a teddy bear hug the moment he got down from the stage. Soon the three were found in Jin's room where Taehyung was busy in wiping away their baby boy's drool and playing with him.

Park Jimin looked adorably at the sight of his husband being the best father. He worked mostly from home, since Taehyung didn't want to leave their son. It kind of became difficult for Jimin sometimes when his husband would never move from the crib and found sometimes sleeping in their son's bedroom.

"I am so happy for you, Minnie~ I hope atleast you won't sleep in office anymore~" Jin teased his best friend who rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Oh please~ I forgot the meaning of sleep ever since I gave birth to Taemin, Seokjin. I rarely slept you know. He always wakes up the moment I close my eyes." Kim Seokjin giggled by hearing his friend's giggles. Of course he was aware of the things while parenting.

"Enough about me. How are you ? Where is your King by the way? I thought you guys would come together." Seokjin gave an apologetic smile and he kind of missed his little family too.

"You know how Safa is. She is kind of uncomfortable with crowds. And Mr. Wrong World is head over heels for our daughter. He never leaves her side ever. So, they are both in our apartment."

Jimin and Taehyung laughed by hearing Jin's confession. Of course they remember how protective Jungkook was when it comes to their beautiful daughter Jeon Safa. She was mixed of Jungkook and Kim Seokjin. She had the doe eyes with round nose and had plump lips. But her smile was a bunny which reminded of Jungkook.

Jin remembered how much Jungkook cried while holding their daughter for the first time. He was cooing at their baby and in awe with tiny chubby fingers and toes. He would literally spend his whole day by playing with his daughter and making her fall asleep over his chest.

"Yeah, and I don't know how he will react once Safa grow up. I am sure she will be beautiful but imagine him reacting when she was dating someone."

"Oh Jimin, I don't even want to think about that~" Kim Seokjin laughed along with Jimin who was having a good time with his best friend. It's been two years since they had met. So after making sure that Safa could transport to the other world, Seokjin and Jungkook took their daughter to the world 2024.

After having small chit chat, Kim Seokjin was on his way to their apartment. He couldn't wait to be with his little family and spend time with them. He had already promised Jimin that he would throw dinner at their apartment so that they could meet Safa and play with their son Taemin.

Happily humming, Seokjin reached his apartment door only to find it slightly open. He frowned by looking at the door cracked open little. So he carefully opened the door and peaked his head inside only to control his laughter.

Jin closed the door behind him, and he could see that the power was off by seeing the apartment code not working. He walked towards his husband who was taking care of their daughter very well.

Jin controlled his laughter by seeing Jungkook sleeping with parted lips while drooling and his one hand holding their baby securely against his chest while other hand was having milk bottle loosely hanging.

He shook his head in disbelief, by seeing their daughter already awake and hitting her father's face with her tiny fists in order to make him wake up.

"Hey baby, is dada not waking?" Jin cooed at his daughter before picking him up from Jungkook's hold. Safa was giving her famous bunny smile and happily snuggling towards Jin's chest.

Jin carefully tightened the three pony tails on his daughter's head. He was sure that it was his husband who did his hair. Because he loved playing with Safa's hair and everyday he tried different hairstyle on her hair.

Jungkook who was sleeping heavily jerked up from his nap when he found his chest empty.

"Banana milk~" Jungkook shouted and opened his eyes widely by searching his eyes everywhere. Kim Seokjin who was busy in brushing his daughter's head jumped a little by the sudden outburst.

"Banana milk? Mr. Wrong World, no one is taking away your banana milk. I left you to take care of our daughter and you are sleeping soundly. Even after she hit you, you didn't wake up."

Jeon Jungkook who was having frown on his face suddenly softened after hearing his husband. He immediately got up from the sofa and leaned down to his daughter who was giggling at him.

"Aww baby girl, you slapped daddy? That's so sweet~Goooo~" Jungkook poked his nose with Safa's small button nose who was giggling loudly by the feeling of tickling.

"Booo daaaa~" Safa babbled some incoherent words making Jungkook to giggle softly.

"Aww you are so cute~"Jin was looking at Jungkook in disbelief. He let his husband to hold his daughter who was snuggling her against his chest safely and rocking his baby girl back and forth.

"I wonder if you will react the same, when she hits you after she turned twenty." Jungkook who was busy in cooing at his daughter turned to Seokjin with a wide grin.

"What? My baby girl won't age at all. No matter what she is still my baby girl, right Safa?" Jungkook pinched those chubby cheeks before placing a soft kiss. He softly wiped the drool from Safa's lips and looked at her giving bunny smile.

Kim Seokjin could never argue with his husband. So he decided to let the topic go. He casually placed his case on the table before sitting on the sofa along with his husband who sat beside him with their daughter in his lap.

"What did you do today, Mr. Wrong World?"

"We both took bath, I fed her milk and changed the diaper, Seokjin. Since there were no current Safa was crying because of the hot weather, so we both played with chill box." Jungkook casually shared his activities while playing with Safa's tiny fingers and joking like he was going to bite it off.

"You did what?" Jungkook's eyes widened in realization what he had just said. With nervous laugh he looked at Seokjin who was looking dangerously mad at him.

"H-Huh nothing. Also you need someone to take care of that apartment code box."

"Why? What did you do?" Kim Seokjin was already walking towards their entrance to find the apartment code box.

"I-I didn't do anything, Seokjin. We were getting bored, so Safa and I were playing by pushing all the buttons. And it looks likes just few, very few buttons would have gone inside."

Jeon Jungkook gulped hard by slowly standing up and holding his daughter who was looking at him with wide innocent doe eyes just like her father.

"Baby are you ready to run?" Safa smiled at him cutely and her tiny hands tightly held Jungkook's shirt.

"Mr. Wrong World~" Kim Seokjin turned his attention to his husband who was awkwardly smiling at him and before he could do something, Jungkook was already running around the house with his daughter.

"You stop right there~"

"The power was off Seokjin. How could you blame us when we want to play~"

Jeon Jungkook giggled while running around the house with his daughter happily laughing out. Kim Seokjin was also chasing his family with a wide grin on his face. Safa' s laughter echoed through out their apartment making the Jinkook couple's hearts flutter happily.


A/N: With next  chapter we will be saying goodbye to this book angels. This story was  meant to be a feel-good book and I think I have accomplished it here.  Thanks for your continuous support and love, angels!!

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